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WILL MATE THOROUGHBREDS AND ARABS. San Francisco. Cal.. April P.— Mrs. Richard Walton luliv iFieanor Gates, who recently brought to the coast a choice collection of pedigreed Arabian horses, with tlie idea of utilizing them to improve tlie bieed of California horses, has within he las few davs purcha.-ed a number of thoroughbred mares from horsemen at the Oakland race track. Mrs. Tullv was able to pick up several exquisitely-bred fillies at bargain prices as a result of the d •• pression from which the American tiif is ■afferlaK owing to unfavorable legislation. Her purchases include the four year old hlly l-.x-pectant. by Babrpwan HoiTming. man Harry Mack: the two voir odd fillies Tourist Belle and Penetrate from J. Jones: the two-vear old filly Jungle Queen from G. H. Hollo, and the two year -old lilly Beez T from M. J. Leonard. These fillies will be shipped to the breeding farm which Mrs. Tullv has established at Alma. Santa Clara Coiiutv. for mating with the Arab stallions standing there. Mrs. Tullv believes that the thor-ouebbred cross will yield splendid results and sin-will Iftve the idea a thorough trial.