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TO FOSTER LEXINGTON RACING. Lexington. Kv.. Mav 1. — Breeders of thorough bred horses, at a meeting held in the Phoenix Hotel today, derided that unless they come to the ma tei-ial support of racimc tin- Kentucky Asnociatloa will not be abb- to maintain tin- local plant another season and that Hi-- passing of the sport in the home of Hi.- breeding iniliistrv would have a disparaging effect the country over. It w.i- decided that the bmedera themselves would en-ate and foster stake-to Is- run for at future spring inetings of the Ken tacky Association, beginning with tin- meeting of lhlii. ami i. I. Wilson. E. II. Bradley. Horace W. Wils..n. Cc.rte It. Otl and Thomas F. Kelly were annotated a taramBfee to write the eomittlooa of stakes and tix the time for their dosing. This committee will meet hen- next Wednesday to l.etiu their work. Catesbv Woodford -nttestcd i a eh breeder should pay 1 for each yearlint thai In- owns into a fund for maintenance of llie proposed stakes, an. I thai each yearling, so represented would be eligible for the stakes. It was the view of F. U. Bradley that breeders should Is asked al once for voluntarv oontribnti. ns. TH-. was adopted and anhscrrptbia papers anient those present produced 82.213. as follows: .1. N. Camden. 81.000: P. It. Bradley 8250; Catesbv Woodford. 8250; o. 11. Chenanlt, .50; L. F. lav. [M0; Thomas .1 .Cat-son. : llinde ft liaker. keiu-blte Vilev. I.«4 Smiths and D. W. Scott. 830 each; II. and P. Oots. George c. Grady. A. I.. Ferguson, .1. II. Morris and George B. ott. .". ea.-h: T. I.. Carpenter and Lis- Bmlthn. X2n each. A aaaaher of mnrjreatlons wen- made a- to the conditions of stakes, and these were turned over Io the committee, of which i;. H. Wilson i- rhahrn in All breeders and other persons interested were ii vited to present their views and sntte-t i.ii- in writing to the i-oininitteo.