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OGDEN PROSPECTS FULL OF FAVOR. rjVjden. I Till. April SB. Tin Ogden .jockey Club. supervi-lnt lie- big race meetiog Io Is- held in this eil.v Ma :. to 2it. has Issued its tirst six davs race program. The pnraea are larger than wen- origin. lib advert is. d. which i- greatly a pert elated bv the borsemeo. The feature of tin- lirs! dav- racing i-tin- Fabttaff Handicap, which has a value of *2r.o Four other race! with pnraea m *2imi each, ami the other at |l.i«. are offered. The total amoiiiil for thill. -I i dais offered hv the association will reach a total of 88,790. In addition io tin- boraemen already here, the fat lowing owners of r.i. .is from Oakland. al.. have arrived wilh siring- of t hoioiighbreils: .lames Mevers. .1. Donovan W. Wright and Jasper Madison. Two moii- ears fnau the -ami- .ilv are expected to arrive tomorrow loaded wiih haraea which will lake part 111 Hie meet. General manager W. M. U arras ami ids asaoemtes arc now eoiilionteil wilh the luolilem of providing Milricient stalls for the many haraea which are daily arriving. The manaarer is desirous of obtalnina stabling faiilitie- mar the track. It is probable that a number of tents will lie pitched on the fair to house th limals in lieu of stalls, unless staldint accommodations can be arranted for near the grounds.