untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1909-05-02


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J. SYDNEY LUCAS !£F— rnThp SwrfaitS Tar! laformatlon Bateau "%|tI fc* . , ft0.1 a.l™J Helm: Uic |k i lit ..I i, t I -. -_ . — IB — _- .*•« Sk. MW V Mfc win. I.. tiu- ri.r MM ffl j v ■■ M mm Mm Mm Mv ■ •■ ■ ■ 1111 ONE HORSE A DAY llUl/lllX i* 33U vlQ liUll 1 "ill • inline my i l» i ill i lis to -trii ilj inn- horse ci.li tlsiy. mil 1 will at .-ill tiim advertise the one , M ■"■ n.,!,:;11,-. and£*«* „.■, , • .*, n nm * **»*•« ,.f ,,„• »uuty m ■ win... * «*». OPPOSITE BUFFALO -:- Buffalo Office, 592 ELLIGOTT SQUARE Sent Direct From the Track ■. ■ f.,u1!;:,;T1,!H,l!.sl, " lh" ■*■ :ui-" :;" *** s,■,", ,,,y hi— •"- •• ,i -"* ** *» «■*■ STAKES TO BE RUN AT THE I am on ilw ground early oai li day and aothtag in the lino of ■ fast warksari netpn ni.v watchful eye. ] 1 1 : i v i ■ an intimate Beqaaiatanee with all the owners ami tr.iner- anil I mingle witli Hie live ones. .Sk 1 BW ■ ■ , ■ i €*k t% A . I liv« ston i ct ,-itre track ami spend all niv right at the actual scene i.l V II Wy Vf* QK Qllfl L Q I lUI Q O t I Y fY O | U 1 1 U Tuesday. M:ij HI:. an extra special: also Tkiir-rtaY. Mav f.lh: one for Satnrilav. l,, sih U U 111 III tJ I Oil LI I Q III I I V% Wl I U U U w »■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ »# a %«■■%« ■ Mia ■■■ w w a. a a a w a w w w This one will be a Ion* price. Monday. May loth, a dark -one hat they will ti to win with. Wednesday. q Max llith. an extra good onr. Ami a bl f killing for Satnrilav. Mav IStli. Tltev wont liet on tliis one at ** "»■;,""; :»™ -.-I*.- =-;„. ... Summer Meehng: Monday, Ju/y5Hi, to Wednesday, luly28lh. 21 days „ Begin at Once and Win Money From the Start fa„ MeeW Tnursday flugusf 26tt to Saiurdayp Sep,. 4/n. , days DONT DELAY. Bet in AT once ami set the MMf from the liegintiing. Baca day SOMETHING • .SENSATIONAL will lie •put over." ami yon cant afford to mi: — a single day. — — — — .suing along with I. s. Umau all through the Louisville meeting and yon will ten rente it. Terms tor Daily One Horse Wire. mx wires. S5.00. with the guarantee that you must win on a flat Mtf «_ • # WW 4 A ket, or next six wires iiee. 0 the whole Louisville meeting. Daily Wires and Extra Specials. ■ 1% v llA4Md4td AM J A#l /1d/ AM Terms for Extra Specials, three specials. .00. Must run 1-2 or next special free. Single wires 52 00 1 ll II 1 1 1 I 1 1 I ■ I I I 1 1 Wm ZM I I I I I I iS I I Ofiic. WILKES BLOCK Lou.svUie. Ky. UIC IIUUlllllUll nallUIlap TgggSggg , = hALlJl *ia? ,? — " ► 1ITF B II o , To k be run at the Summer Meeting, 1910, ■ o II i II I » for 3-year-olds and upveard in 1910 ll VUillUUiV !l 111 HMO WS11 111 ! " ■ "■■ i STAKES CLOSE TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1909 II ]| Ifini/rV A! Ill i! Overnigme»ems, WO, 00 and J600 JOCKCj y|UUi| i?lL|To Be Run at the Summer Meeting :- Forty Days Racing ij — NfWFfti k i/fl j j NUnrULt, VH. ~ .i j Monday, July 5, to Wednesday, July 28 MflV 13th to 99th !i00flinStakesi""",|ir5es I The Canadian Derby, ,500 I III IU Will If I U 1 U MM 4 ** a* ■■ . U FOE THREE YK Utdl.DS foals „f 1!«Hii.- i t„ ac. utiiimny tin- nomination. Slot! aiMitional In slart. t «.t /-■ t tt o i r r- l» IIaii ll fl Xj* ■■■laa # O iuaianteeil ea«.|i value. ¥::..K». ol which S.VKI to secoml ai.-l SltHI to thinl: fourth t.. save stai I ini: fee 1NCLU 3l V L T lUIQIf # § Til 1 1 If f 4k Nil - in I.hisik.i ,,f s:, ihhi. :; 11. . ,,| «r,.HMl twi.e r. His extra. Others which have not won *1!.:.im 1 " " - X IWI ll V MM 111 1 I 1 I V I X twice m Iihsiiv. ,1 nan-winners in Piiii ol *::.imki. allowed :: lbs.: ..I ..VM . li lbs : si. :, ; . i lbs.; non- i IIIM I mmMm IW #MI ■ I ▼ wlnaerx in 190K-OB „f i.ikki. i ]|,s. ; IBM, 13 lbs.: maiclens. Bb hW. One Mile and a Quarter. f.W. THORPE, JAMES MILTON, J J s -. „. , ... Presiding Judge. Starter. S P. P. POMEROY, | .HG Niagara oiaK8St c ., JI.OUU _— _— l PRESIDING JUDGE 4 POB two-year-olds.— -sio t.. ■eeaMpaay Ike noininaiicn. s4o bMHIomI if* atart. Ouarantce,: rash !;. n-r-.-r-r • .w. iMtrirnn X value. *1..-,MI. ol which 01 to second nn.l n ;,. third. innet- of .111 or *1.IHMI twice. ., lie. KlCjrlAKL DWYLK. !: «ttl»; mm winners of ,008 allowed t Ihv.: of 00, if innoi of Imir s T • x..,_„„ i «:rm~»l .n Information la in rhui-a» Charge af of V hivjii«hu un tt,n, . iion-w races -ince April IX Advance ► 0 „is two sinrf m.n w ,| ; uMl „, ,. Ilis KeaTartcwkm. o alAKltn ♦ JOHN G. CAVANAGHIiJorJI Jwff-lgiiS - . __ | 51 Umiiantced ca-h value. xl.otHi. of a hich 00 to - i and a id .*lo- to third. ,000. 4 lbs. anon- wr*le: "lO «hh««c aii rnmm„Ki»i.i;«nc ;. O 2 Iks. b-s for earfa *om to ,000: i lb. for cadi 00 to ,000; z Ibo. im each .vino to 1909.sh00. M.n, :« J AddreSS All Communications tO 0 „m, aeHlns prices to be named tbronirb the entry box at lo::;o a. m the day hefhrc the race. Finest Mile Track t W W FINN - !lF"rlow: south of New York hotel" cullen w The Grand Canadian Steeplechase, ., Hand cap, SI. 200 Pro-vamme books ready May 5th. jt Salt Lake City : : Utah 1 """ Horsemen send list of horses when jj»»+»+»+»»»»»»»»»»»»»+»»»»»» "" ■»• _ -_ : Full Course. making application for stalls. I " wash. H0RVELL, Pimlico Special To Be R«n at the Fal1 Meetine K0BF0lKR£™i«fiu/NH SUTURDAY.8 MAY 8. Thursday. August 26, to Saturday, September 4 LouisvitLE_sPEciAL The Hotel Stakes, ,500 . Inn | p/tpl jtv |roq„ojs Handicap, l I "* I r /inLrl I ■ ll t- t- !! IIAMlirM lul! TWiiYllAlMil.llS Sin to acconnianv the nomination. $+ additional to start, i.nar- m UJ* m m I ■ ■ m oh-» ■ ■ wUtk we will fhaial ta im anteed :isli value , or which 00 to Keeand and m third. Weights, three An- be/ore the for lar invested. Sininds kind of harsh :,. . "» Wi,,,,,,,, :1fte, „, -a, ion of weight* t ll«. **• Five FurlonBs and a Half. most every horse playeta who have been contented nrlth ft Ulir LaSl cD-rla, pecldl was as :H?:H:z::Si:?l;- Anna May, 6 to I The Canadian Sportsman Handicap. ,500 * u J_. J I vII/vmo I laave it to The .Stamlatd to make Raaa. poR THREE YEA HOLDS AND IlWAUD. Slo to accumi.any the nominal ion. «bl additional to start. lltlP tllinnrPn llOlmlS in -"-" -imioi - in-.i.h » tiuatant.ed cash value. . .%.!». or which 011 to second ami *1«»» ;. third. Weights tl,ree ilavs bef VrllV ■IIJIUJI V/M l-evii**! *J U1 M.|n| V11|| , ,.,Mlke ju ,,„„. the nee. Winnn- alter |.nblication of weights. B lb*, extra. One Mile and a Sixteenth. Ilillif W?m THE DOMINION "HANDICAP hind niin and intended to make the -n mst li i J 1 1 1 1 -i 25 Cents per Couv: .00 per Month. ■■ ~ that has ever been attcmiitcl. on MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: « „ nAn fP 1 A AAA Wprinpsdav Mav th line0ra ~-y§— -• 0,000 — — HOaOOO _hT"f". *£and v:*;:-- - TO BE RUN DURING THE !lruyliiS5SIFwSr2 the standard turf guide Summer Meeting o! 1910 " w nn«nni# I will wwiwa. o lurleii"s iii 1 14 ami a mile in l:bi. which i- exeen lional n-orfc, and in will Room 212, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago B*C*MBHBaB*aBaBBaBHBHK«*BBBMK*aBaR*B •HSsTmUSSSiSsji! For 3-year-olds and Guaranteed Gash Swt"£5!fiiS*a?.fSrE Special Withdrawn. uPward in I910 Value 0,000 TERMS FIVE DOLLARS fgj """", "M 0 S Sd "llo to fSSSh r.,r bath baraaa. This I* the eaaNrtaaity ac ■ life rlMLilC«V I rlMLilV I time for a small bettor to parley ■ one dollar lull Special rate for the balaajee at this BMetiag "I T T A R Tf T T* T P* Q into . .r win in amount M money whicli is nine racing days. Terms .00. 1 have a few more LlrxDllil I 1 11, J worth while having like ftuantico. wliich won at IS to I, and Bobbie Si;r „+ ,-i„i„ t „_+,.,. xj„„ iv laoQ *ln at date of entl 1909- , Lb-ess ;lt once eSMMaa order, by M.ecial deUren Kean v.hiih won at S to 1. 3 May 1S mail o icic«raiih money. . ccfiii fjiMF QAflNfi HilVC *:5, additional if not declared Septemlier 1 , l.»0!*. HOWAR D DAY »f!~V£~IS S SSSSS! iiST"-Maroh L Wl" Watch me en the Canadian Circuit. 71 E. Main St. YOIMKERS, vn. bFDC at IM. v Y. Mondays special pimlico: Weights 15 days prior to the date set for the running of the race. BLOSsom. rate, white. winner of ,500 after publication of weights 5 lbs. extra. THERE IS ONE SURE WAY. Ex -Jockey Marshall one mile and a quarter •■My Method" offers the "one sure way" to Initials E. J. ======= beat the raein" gallic with Miinil capital at Room 610, 56 Fifth Avenue. Chicago, 111. Handbook- -Poolroom or Track. If you want Phone Main 1293. More than two horses may be nominated for Selling Stakes, but only two can start. aroiadaad*8nreBoflt— then send for "My » -.7 urn # c-bcc — - Winner or non-winner of a stated sum means winner or non-winner of a single race of that value to Method." I also show yoa how to pick Two »BSOIUTtLT H-ltfc— ■ first horse. "su.e" HandlM-.k Beta a day from the Entries W .11 boys I am OB to aiiotlnr "trick- w Inch will . . SPECIAL NOTICE. Entries are received „n this conditicn: That all dis„„tes. claims and objections and they "Wm . I a,n rejg oii«lblejjiadwfBlly be nneojei •« nei ■ n • , ay Ma I o say t u v. toterpretal k» of the conditions „r , M:lk,.v m,:1 7,e , Method to be a Big Money nbe horse "ill WW is imtlius; it mildly, as He will EUaraatee My ,.i,i,.,i ,| i,, -i nm J inrliv ,.t tin- Itu-in- u""cl s;,.,,.,,,k ihcscci " or ""M llmve whom """" m* ilicv n-n nciv •|ii« int. -iiiiuiiiit and inn ii...iV. tlietr decision i i ■ Maker" and to be exaetty as represented. Sent breese borne all by hlBjadf. as sure as you live. . JAJ " ■ ~ • eiimidete for Handbook— Poolroom and Track Alan, dont target abovl my laax-sbot sbener lac ■ ■■ ""•"• — — . — Bjpoa receiiit i»r M o. $." . Address. u-l Saturdnv. You sinnilv caul afford lo mis* wm. h. sutton. chem.st %and£? " """ " "" *" Uku1 u" " Arrangements for bonding horses have been Los Angeles. Cal. | T .00. guaranteed to win « Saturday s »g de Canadian CUStOITlS authorities I free: free: free: y A TWI VfTT rTT AH "bo have not tried my iufortnation yet will /iN I SjJ VlH 1 set this "iimhiin-" absolutely free in order to show everybody where rbey ran. get the genuine track an! . — ■ • ■ ■ lllin - —— ntl, - -» ■ »» » ■-» .-* « any better iiiformati.m fro. a -Hininsj..;!! man wffiZ5c hftrrthk sVnd SO cents to guarantee ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO who places commission on information foi tun- Hi .entance of wire a r once, and Ik- misc. — men? Well. 1 slmiibl say not. Sow, we are hand- f, 00TrLD andUWfes£S€S sisssu, E0WARD w. Mmm :: Racing Secretary The Turf Commissioner .. "* Subscribe for n,IIV DAILY RACING - ,--,■ FORM __om. Room 1. 187 N. Halsted Street. Chicago. 111. - SflUarft fmLf Buffalo IMCW Yor/f i * LIIIOUll OI|UOI C, DUIIdlU, HCW I Ul II All horses Uled with l ailv Kaeiu« lorui. 69 Plymouth Court Chicago. IUinoii

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909050201/drf1909050201_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1909050201_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800