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HOW IT WILL BE DONE AT BELMONT. ■New York. May 11. — August Belmont, chairman of tlie Jockey Club, had some interesting things lo say yesterday relative to tlie local racing season. Which opens at Belmont Park on Tiinrsdav. In accordance with the recent decisions handed down by tin- Appellate Division of the Supreme OMstt, It will be possible for persona who visit the tracks this year to back their opinions orally without fear of being molested, said the racing mogul. "There will be betting 011 a small scale." continued Mr. Belftiout. "for the excellent reason that there Is no law which prevents it. But there will be no iKiokmaklng or. In fact, any violation of the present law as Interpreted by the courts. Betting, lor that mutter will he a minor detail. "Racing associations have undertaken tlie tremen dons task of building up tlie turf and they will con-duet their meetings purely from the standpoint of sportsmanship. They will have the assistance of a fund of 10,000 subscribed by leading American breeders. "The breeding Industry still is the paramount issue. It b«s no connection with gambling in spite of opinion to tlie contrary, and It is worthy of government support and encouragement. But unless racing an be restored with the aid of public patronage the breeding of race horses In this couutry cannot stir vive. "Tlie responsibility for obeying the law- as interpreted by the ctwirts now rests entirely witli the men who formerly yvere called Itookmakers. If they violate the law they will get into trouble. The chief pabtt is that persons who want to see the races and make wagers among themselves will not lie harassed! or BMtestad." Mr. Belmont stated tlmt admission to the grandstand enclosure will he J.! for men and ll.Si for woniMi. Tlie free badge list has been entirely abolished. The Jockey Club has Issued orders to all the r.-p-ing associations, hy tbe way. that the law :is Interpreted by the courts must be strictly enforced. As a result the Pinkertoii detectives who pnUce the New York tracks will exercise unusual vigilance iu 1 prohibiting illegal gambling. The Pinkertons will stop everything that even looks like bookmaking or poolselltag. but they will not interfere with iudi vidinil betting conducted in accordance with tlie rulings of the Appellate Division.