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HOUSTON ENTRIES. Finb iliiUies: Weather dear: track fast. Racing starts at 3:00 p. m. Chicago time. 3:00. V Run I well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 5-8 Mile. I year-olds. Selling. Ind. Horse. Wt. Hoc A. Wt. Hdcp. Mil:.- Snnline 92 1:11 97..X725 81342* Teas Franks 97 1 :03». 97 720 mITth* tii ■■ink KlMl 95 7n B1SB8* Tapioca 105 1:021 95. . X710 81388* Halloween 95 705 81413 Z-iMco Applcton ... 95... .700 Second Race — 1 Mile. 3 vi a r olds and upward. Selling. 81338 Sir Baria 3. . 9S 725 81431 Vin-mtio 107 1:404 6..121..X720 81538 Vendor 90 1:43* 0. .113. . X7I5 81911 OfHa Ormonde 3.. 98 715 M 179 Engraver 3..93..X715 81418 Mi- May BowdishllO 1:40* S..111..X710 81 I7M Ilacla.-s of Montc- bello 100 1:12? 3..111..X710 81570 Lista lol t:41J 4. .107 703 81388* Gamut 103 1:41 5. .113 7O0 Third Race — 5-8 Mile. 3-ycar-olds. Selling. 81988 Goldaii lOo 1 :03: 3.. 107 723 81972* Dr. Ix.wnie loo 1:881 3..1O9..X720 81938* Minnie Bright 3..102..X715 B19SB* Tillis 110 1:03? 3. .109 705 81598 Starbeam 3. .107 705 81569 Emily Almanac ...95 1:02* 3..107..X700 Mn:ii!l 3. .112 Fourth Raco— 3-4 Mile. 3 year-olds and upward. Allowances. 81389* First lnmaim 122 1:131 0. . 120. . X725 81541* Pidro 95 1:10 5. 105.. X 720 81331 CoppertkM 188 1:13 8. .120. .X715 8941 i.nile Osasje Ill I: ltd 4..114..X719 819411 Dr. Mack lot 1:13 1. .117. . X710 Weadsittrtv a. r. by Octagon — SfertV •ivmidi I . . 88 Fifth Race— 7-8 Mile. 3-year olds and upward. Selling. si 182 Sabado !«» 1 :38| 4. .109. . X725 H34.1 Bitter Hand Ill 1:29 0. .111 . . X720 sr.C9 Haughty Il» 1:41| 0. . 109. . X713 sl.:oo B nnie Prince Char lie 104 1:271 7..1U..XU0 Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree. A. Wt. Hdcp. hl4M= Vintou 104 1:301 5..111..X710 81482 Lanigau 95 1:411 3..93..X705 81988* Hanuls 4..104..X705 BUM* Sad News A. .107. . X700 Sixth Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. 3 year-olds and upward. Allowances. 811203 Horace H 103 :54ii 3..95..X725 81419 Pops 3.. 92. .X720 S1543 Cam Pan 139 1:00 5..102..X715 81420 KoKo-KoHo 3.10o 71o 77821 Knight of the East. 3.. 92 705 Woodnitch. b. f. by Octagon — Wood-nymph 3.. 95 The figures under "Ree." in above entries show the best time made by the horse at the distance, with weight carried, since January 1. 1906. This time is not necessarily made by a winner. It may be the estimated time of a losing performance.