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FAST PLATE TRIAL BY SHIM0NESE. Toronto. Out.. May 14.— Tie- interesting thing of the day at Woodbine Park was the work of the Kings Platers and all previous plforin.inees were eclipsed by wliat was shown today. With weather and track conditions all favoriBg. tin Yallcy Farm Stables four year-old mare. Shinioiise. treat the Plate distance, a mile ami a quarter, in 2:12 . Thai wa- well within her ability, too. and she could probably have com" home in o-p, without distress, but it is faster than anything is ever known to have worked for the race in any year of its half century of ex isteiiee. Siiiniouese is a four rear old. by Martlmaa Lyddite. Her dam. a daughter of Lamplighter full sister. Spark, won the Plate of 1902 for the late William Hendrie. lor whom Martiiuas won the lu- tuiitv. Tin- Valley Farm Staid- is ow 1 by his sons. Col. the Hon. John S. Ilemlrie. M. P.. ami Beera-a M. Hendrie. president of the Highland Park Club. The work was participated in by lliiniiier, Cerenionius and the Plate candidates. Desert Star and Better Half. At the end Shim se was level with flHanawr. with Desert Star. Ceremonies and Better Half strung out in that order. Desert Stars time was 2:15J. He carried the featherweight rider. Phair. while Cllbcii rod. Sblmonese an. I McCarthy was on Better Half. Shimomse hid about her weight op. Her fractional time was IS. 25. 371. 5©i i:i:;i. i:i7. i:aa, 1:434: 1:58, :li. Gilbert will probably ride her in the race. The record time for the Plate is 2:11. made bv Seism!, last year. other works wire: Sauce oOold, mile in 1:1-1 ami mil. and a quarter in 2:lKe: Mlk-dna and Wood. bine Belle, mile in 1 : . 1 : Puritan I. ad ami Coming Forward, half in 51; Halt, mile in 1:32; l.awvi I Millar, thn-e-quarters in l:li: English Ksther and Broadsword, half mile in 5o.: Scotch Moor and La Iv Sybil, halt mile la 511; Al Be* cu, five-elghtlu in 1:01: W. I. Iliiich. mile in 1:47;.: Occidental and Jim Parkinson, three quarters in 1:19; A. Uusko day. three quarters in 1:1*1: Lady Irma. half in 51: Sprit, mile in 1:471: Simcoi . three-quarters in 1:35; Fair Annie, throe eighths in I": Spencer ReiflT. mile and a quarter in 2:23; Star Wine, three-eighths in .".i. The last named, a Stc.r Shoot —Cold Wave two-year-old. owned by the local horsemaa. Joseph II. Doaae, has been priced to a prospective purchaser at ,000. ReidmoTc threw his stale out when rolling yesterday and was an absentee from the track today. I.ihlie Tribe. A. B. Dades assistant, had the -die"-_r barrier up. Latest arrivals: T. H. Evans Kokoino. Rom in Wing and Sloe: II. Dodges Pellgroso: C. A. Ross Mi-s Worth. Sir Ormonde. John Diis and Mr. McD., aud Dr. 8. P. Tates Calvesea.