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+ 4. CONDENSED HISTORY OF THE JUVENILE STAKES + i The Juvenile is not the longest -established race for two year-olds of this country, but It ranks well up in that retard and will be run today for the thirty fifth time. Pounded ami fust run when stake values were not high, it quickly won a measure of popularity with owners that it has never lost. The natural result is that it has been contested year by year hv the highest class of our two year olds, a statement amply continued by such names as tho-e of Faithless. Frocliootcr. Idalia. Zoo Zoo. Sensation. Spiniwav. Olio ul.i— 1. ieraki. Portland. Tremont. Prince Koval. Tides, lremli Park. Isije. Dagonel. Dr. Kice. Firearm. Tommy Atkins. Hellario. Blue Cirl. Broomstick. First Water. De Muiid and Joe Madden in its list of winners and placed horses. The record of the race is as follows: Year. First. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Wt. Third. Wt. Val. Time. 1574 Meoo N. Hey wood.. Ill Unhto B 107 Aniella 107 ,650 dM IS7T Faithless Sparling . .107 Freebooter 110 Warlock 110 2.450 :50 1.S70 Idalia Sparling . .107 Hibernia 107 Zoo Zoo 107 2.100 :49i 1877 Perfection Barrett. .107 Duke of Magenta 110 Alleveur 110 2.700 :51 1575 Plevna Sayers..l10 Belinda 107 Lillian 107 2.700 :." 4 1S70 Sensation Hughes. .110 Bthel 107 Kittv J 107 2,750 :50 1550 Splnawav Hughes. .107 Sir Ilugn 107 Barrett 110 2.200 :4 1 1551 Onondaga I. McLaughlin . . 1 10 lerald 110 Memento 107 l.soo :50J 1552 Henlopen Brophy . . 1 10 Swift 100 Jacobus 110 2,225 :50 1SS: Heveller ITral.,110 Burton 110 Leo 110 l.HOO :30 1SS4 Triton Brennan..ll2 Detective 115 Error 112 l.tV.O :401 1S85 Portland J. McLaughlin .. 115 Refrain 112 Electric 112 1,850 :50 ISSOTremont J- McLaughlin . .115 Strideawav 115 Tom Hood 115 2.400 .... 1887 Kinglish J. McLaughlin .. 115 Now or Never 115 Prince Royal ..115 2.125 S1J 18.S.SfFides OiMlfrey . .1 12 French Park 115 Seymour 115 2.750 :51 1880 Druidcss Reagan. .10! Devotee 110 Bavarian 115 ft.7:t0 :40 MM St. Charles Hamilton . .118 Hoodlum 118 Cold Dollar 118 2.775 :48J ISOllOsrlc Taral.,118 Laughing Water 115 Dagonet 118 8.200 :47i 1802ftlr. Rice PI tana trick ..1U Prince loorgo Ill Perrier Jouct ..111 5.510 1:00 ISO.: Semlla Lilly. .111 Sir Excess 111 Black Hawk ...112 6.750 1:02 MM Prince of Monaco Slnmis..l11 Keenati 118 Fire Brand /...111 6,035 1:00 1816 asseopin Minefield .. 115 Bastian 118 Caldron 115 3. 150 1:00 ls.07 Firearm Doggett..11H 1roliman 118 Varus 118 4.275 1:00 1808 Clenhclin Slmms . . 122 Duke of Middleburg. . .122 Prestidigltatee 119 6.050 1:01| MMI Doublet Spencer ..122 His Royal Highness. .. 122 Missionary 122 5.410 1:01 IBM Tommy Atkins Spencer . .122 P.ellnrio 122 Ir. of Melrose. .122 5.000 :59f 1901 line flbi T. Burns.. 119 Hyphen 122 The Hoyden ...119 4.935 :59 IOCS Mizzen Bullman . .122 Dalesman 122 Spencer Itrlff ..122 6.510 1:00 |Mq P.iiHimstick Odoni.,122 Precious Stone 122 Palmliearer 119 4.860 :59 1901 Song and Wine Bed fern . .122 Right Royal 122 Augur 122 3.570 ;57K 1905 First Water F. ONeill. .117 Vendor 117 Comedienne 114 3.7IW :59i| IMS De Mund J. Martin. .117 icorge S. Davis 117 The Wrestler. ..117 3.780 :59J 1907 Smoker Railtke..H7 Sanguine 117 .Manila 117 3.720 1 : 4i 1908 Joe Madden Uarner. . 122 Casque 122 Statesman 122 5.495 1:01 No racing in 1895. Rim at Morris Park prior to 1915. *No time taken. tlVnd heat between Fides and Flench Paik: stake divided. JKun pieviously at Jerome 1atk. i+Distaiice changed from 12 mile.