Trainers Make Friendly Bet, Daily Racing Form, 1909-09-29


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TRAINERS MAKE FRIENDLY BET. Louisville. Kv.. September 2S. Jolin Markleiu, the Cincinnati trainer, and Charles Hughes, whose horses are now quartered here, indulged in a joshing : match over the two-year-olds. Prince Imperial 1 and Barleythorpe. which were respectively sold out t of their stables to eastern turfmen at fancy prices. Markleiu, in partnership with his father. J. J. Marklein. bred Irinee Imperial, they owning his dam. Dixoletta, a mare that seems destined to become " a famous stud matron. Her first three foals s trained an? the good winners. Beau Brumniel. W. A. Leach anil Irinee Imperial, and they now own a 1 vcarling brother to the first-named pair, a handsome 1! brown colt bv Star Shoot. Dixoletta was mated 1 this vcar with Dick Welles and her product; in 1010 r will "l.e strongly inbred, as the sire of the Kentucky r Deibv winner, Wintergreeu. is from the same family as Dixoletta on the dams side, the famous s Bayleaf tribe, she being a daughter of Sir Dixon and 1 ut of Brambaletta. by Bonnie Scotland. Bram-balctta was a sister to Bramble, the sire of Clifford. Prince of Melbourne and Ben Brush. Markleiu and I Hughes argument as to the relative merits of f Irinee Imperial and Barleythorpe hinges on the performances - of the two high-priced youngsters next t season as three-vear-olds, and when one beats the e other at that age. either Hughes or Marklein will 1 be walking around with a new suit of clothes on as s a result of yesterdays friendly bet. John Markleiu could have sold W. A. Leach for r a good price when he parted with Irinee Imperial, , but he is one horse ho has never been anxious to dispose of "I guet-s one reason I am struck on him. mivs Marklein. "he never disappoiuls me in his R work much. If he does certain things in the morning - I know just about what he will do in the e afternoon, lie is not a ldt fickle, just true all the time. Thats the reason I mated Dixoletta back to Star Shoot this year instead of sending her to Orlando, Irinee Imperials sire."

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