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ORBICULAR SCORES A NOSE VICTORY. San Fran. isru. al.. April G. — A large cro.vtl witnessed sonic of tin- best racing of tin- season at Oakland today. Great enthusiasm was aroused during tin- running «.f tlic San Ix-audro Handicap, wlKii , OnWcatai ami Cheater Km fought it out head and head threagb tin- linal fBrlaag. Orbicular won I.y a , ii. isc through Arcliil.alds outriding Seldom A KM i of live contested tliis race and Orbicular was again ; favorite ever Chester Knuu. although the three-year.. I id had Ik :. i«ii him at a sin iter distance last Saturday. Cheater brum was well supported, however. He s.vervtd al the start and was hi a pocket t on 11. c liackstietch. He rleeed gamely, however, and lost only Seidell was unable to put up a* strong a BnJafe as Archibald. Incidentally a feature of the sport was the brilliant riding of Archibald. He landed four winners 1 aim is easily tin b-s* rider here. Trust fell in the second rice soon after passing the stand and Bedwood II. stumbled over him. Man and Taylor escaped injury although Hie e first named was stunned for a few minutes, and I Kederia was aabatitated on Kid North. Getaaasn. Thistle Belle and Palronia figured in a ■ elos,. finish in the third. Mike Jordan was I. id up 1 r .in !*2 io to *400 I.y V. Ilawkc. hut was retained. Owing to the improvement of Mik.- .1. nil in the stewards are investigating ■ a ride that j.« k. V. Powers gave that horse. The annuinccmei.l o " rresidciit Williams extending I- the met ting to .lime 4 was highly pleasing to 0 horsemen, and the atli mhin. •• is steadily improving. ;. Judge C. JL Pcttingill leaves tomorrow eYeaiag m for New York la he n hand at tlic opening t.f the e Aqueduct meeting. J. It. Langhrcy haa liecu sold !o James Murphy. Banorelli. hid up Monthly, has been repurchased tl I.y J. V. Iaulscn. Wistaria, owned I.y II. It. Mulkey. has arrivctl ,1 frt.lll lyos Alleles. Ohartea Baaford Ins aaM I. C. Clem la Ckocax1 Frawley. Jm-key Mol. sworlh is due tonigul from Texas to ,, ride for Johnson Gray. Irejuieio has a l...wetl tcntloii ami will not race ■e here again tliis season. Owner Moore will send tilting e sprinter to Loataj Keach in Southern California a for a suiiiiiH r- r -M and will prepare him on a half-mile f. track for next winters racing. flay Jray haa lin-l Serviic for a bail ankle. The e lu.rse has a ringbone. «;. M. Johnsoii has liretl .1. II. Itarr for a trouble sonic ankle ami will turn him out for the maimer. Italelgh 1. I». is inakiiii: Maw re.-ov-y from his s dos . t.f poison and will go to the pastures with his i Ktal.lcmate. Jcmes Mi Maaaa* Baaatarc will be lunied aw for Pi- a suininers rest after Hie t.aklaml me.-lin eJaai s. «. Jockey Itice will rate here for a week or so bmier .,- ami ihoii will go to Keiitntkv to fulfill his eontratt t with J. «. rerriss at I-iuisyille. Colon.-l r.ibbins. who has been an active hettat in „ tile thai al Oakland, is iilanning a trip to Bnrope, which Viill include ai tendance at the Lpsom Derby. Inn be oiees back he may organize a stable t.f ,f his ihii for naeaag at Oakland.