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JOCKEY CLUB LICENSES GRANTED. Ni w Yolk. May !•.— At I meeting of the stewards of the Jockey Cluli last nig-ii. August I.el ■Mat, II. K. Kjapp and I*. R. Hitchcock won . appelated stewards for the spring aleethat ef the f Westchester Raring Aesociatioa. The following joiJii-vs and trainers Beeaees arete graated: Tralaera i:. .1. Albright. N. K. Real, c. R. loses, James Kaae, M. Lee. .1. Ptaeas. George II. Walt lackers BBJs Altmaa. Daniel 1. Coaaelbr. K. Ilaym s. II. J. Leach, Aadrew Minder, .lames 11. Me-Govern. Carroll shilling. M. .1. Simmon*. Edward nee, Baarae C. Trader. Berberl reaper. Application* for Ueeaaea team lathe j a Bergea and Trtiii. 1 were tabbed.