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ALL IN READINESS AT TORONTO. Toronto, int.. May 21. — Virtually everything is in readiniss for the ..pening of the Canadian racing season at Woodbine mi Tuesday next. The stabling I fitlty of the traek has Ik-cii exhausted, the class of tile horses al hand is lietter than ever before and all in all the prospects for a brilliant meeting are ei eedinglv bright. To all appearances the field for Hie Kings Plate will he as numerous as that of last year, when etchl h.irs s ■tatted, three of them carrying Mr. Seagrams colors. Next Tuesday there may again 1m- three starters from Waterloo and there will be three from the Vallev farm Stable. Mr. Davles. Mr. M.n ban. Mr. Meagher. Mr. Smillie and perhaps one other owner will lie represented, so that a field of tcH can be anticipated, made up as follows: Horse. Owner. Jockov. Wt. Frolic KoU-rt Davies...D. McCarthy ...MM Valvdon II. J. Maclean. . I lenrj 124 I -hi ad. M M.agh.r 124 oiuipiiig K. Newell Knight 124 Pearl Kish.-r. . . .1. L. Seagram 121 Ldhiidal I. K. Seagram. .. Musgrave 121 -lane Shore I. K. Si-agiam. . . Tapliu MS s-.uidy Kirkwd A. N. Smillie ... Iliair MS Farmer Valh v Farm Stb.S. Davis MS Whaiip Valley Farm Sth.tL Hums MS C. nun. .hi Valley Farm Stb. 1ICI Jan.- Shore looks t« 1k the Is-st of the Waterloo hmses. and if the Ilate fjaM to the old ill ft it probably will be through her. It is noteworthy that all e.,nn. . t.-.l w,th the Valh-v Farm Stable seem to Im- full of i-.nti.lenee in the outcome of next Tiles days ra.-e. ami aar of the aiaatraM of the haw a .iimI y. -11. .w- are IWI sanguine that two of the first three al the finish will 1..- earning that jacket. Of the «.ther probable starters the oiilv In threaten the ehaiie.s ..f lhe Vallev rami and Sea gram Ma-ma is Mr Davi.-s gooil filly. Krolie. Lo.-al ttainers find it 1 ilti.-nl t la raacaSe nnuh chance of success to lhe iema inder. but the history of laeiug includes si, many victories by "inijswsible" horses that only the a.tual ruiniing will SecMe. Taken all ar-iiind this M-ars Ilate pi.uiiises as keen and as interesting a contest as any r its preih-essnis. Recent work-out* at Woodhine: Boouuel Mile in 1:54. Carrie IfUaer Mile ami an eighth in 2:07J. Chief K" Mile in 1 :4Tv Mile and an eighth in 2:04. Dune CTaBjahcll live eighths in l: HiJ. Fort Johnson Mile in 1:5s. Fountain S.jiian Tlir.i-ipiarters in 1:1C . ilimuier Mil.- and an eighth in 2: M. tJretua Three .piarlers in 1:33. Hlah Raaa* Mile in 1:40. .1. II. Il . ughl. .n Three ipiarters in 1:9. Jan.- Slime -Mile and an eighth in 2:o7». Mi.-hael Aug.-].; Flre-eightha in Loo. Noble irHe and an eighth in 2*4. onaping Mile and a ipiarl.-r in 2:ISi. Iarnier Mile and an eighth in 2:o::. Paul Davis --Three -ejaartera in 1:20. Pe.eavi Half mile in 57. Plaiidinore Mile in 1 :47«. K.ibert Caaaar Mile in L.VbL Seisniie --Mil.- and an eighth in 2:07. Sinn im- Mil.- in ] :.-,«;. Spelltiouud Three -piarti-rs in 1:17. SI. She -Three-ajaarteta in 1:24. The o.hlin Hutlertlv live eighths in 1:07. Thoiuonil Mile in 1 :V.». The.. C.H.k Thr.-. .piari.-rs In 1:17. T..lleiidal Mil. and an eighth in JM-f. Valvdon Mil- in 1 :49 1. "! Wnau|i Mile and an eighth in 2:0n. Win. P.H Mile and au elKhth in 2:03. . _ 1