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STAKE RACES OF THE CURRENT WEEK. ■acfaC this week will he carried on at Craveseud. She"ps!:e.i.| 15av. Latonia and Salt like City, and on Saturday nexl Ike Hamilton meeting lie-ins. aTarlasr will trruiinate at Gravesend Thursday and i-oininenee at Sheepshead Kay Friday afterni«ui. Five stakts will be decided at Oravesend. Of these the Astoria Stakes will be run tomorrow, and the names of the arohable starters appear in the entry lisis nubiished today. The Hanover Stakes, for two-ye.r-olds. al live and a half furlongs, and the Brooklyn Derby, at a mile and a ■natter, will he run Tues- dav. llawlev. th.- Kaseal. llutocrat. Miss Nett. Thrifty, Daager Mark. Zeus. Koyal Meteor, llnvious. Isahel Casse. Sam Lewis. Anteiior. Aawam. Onager and Ieiuiyroyal represent the best puhlie form in the Hanover. For the tirst time in its history the Derby will be run al I mile ami a quarter instead of the COT reel distance of a mile and a half. It has such p"l ones as Sweep. Dalmatian. Becky OT.rien. StarlH.ttle. Karlcythorpe. Waldo, lulka. Orasmcre. Tolls. Oaadleberry and Prince taperlal among its nominations. Ilie"i Kl Tremont Stakes, for two-yeai-olds. at ahead three-quarters, will be the star event of Wednesday. Its value calls for the best of the rear, and Footprint. Dablder, Colston. Blaekfoat, Anhiluke. Novelty, Sell, Adam Bed*. Naiisliou, Don-raater, Anna Casse and Textile are in its list of cliihles. hesides a number reputed to have shown high form in private. Thursday will brini; about the niimiiiL, of the Myrtle Slakes, for three-year-olds and over, at a mile and an eighth, under selling conditions. II has such speedy ones as Hill Top. Berkeley, Blackford, Areite, taboo, Martinez. Mary Davis, Araaee, fee Madden. Kestigouche. Norhitt. Pretend, Glneeae, Wise Mason. Nimbus. Far West. Kcaucoiip. l-ali-ada and The Squire to furnish a .apital lield of starlers. The ever-popnlar June meeting of the Coney Island Jockey Club will begin at Sheepshead Kay Friday with tke running of the tirst half of the lloiihle Evi ni and the Suburban Handicap as the main attractions ,.f the day. Trap Bark, Kahbler. Footprint. Housemaid. Klaekfoot. Fivi- Aces, llnvious. Anteiior. S.-ih. Adam Kede and inaliy iiliers rejire-seiuiiig the brat Iwo-yearold form shown in public are in the Uonhie Kvent. Tlu- ImsI horses of the day are in the Suburban, the names of l-itz Herbert, King James. Ballot, Masketle. Hilarious. Priscillian. Firestone, Otaaibala, Hehwet, lligii Private, Czar, Diana Ken. Waldo. Fashion Plate, Sweep. Dalmatian. Kuhhling Water. F.flendi. Prince Imperial, Glucose. Bab It. and lulka being those from which the starlers are Basel likely to come. Cmlonbtedly a great race is in prospect, one up to the highest traditions of what has alwavs been considered the foremost handicap of American racing. lake Daisy-Slakes, for two year-olds, and the Conev Island Handicap will 1h- decided Saturday. The Daisy has a representative list of entries anil is a dash of live furlongs, under sealing conditions, the Conev Island is a sprint of three quarters, with Slarhottle. Sir John Johnson. King Cobalt. Magazine. Tim Pippin. Mary Davis, Alfred Noble, Barleythorpe, Pita Herbert, King James. Helmet. Melisande. Prince lin p.rial. Barky OKrieii. Qlneaae, Cohort. Trance. Jack A t k in. Sea i liff and Sixl prominent among its nomi-nat ions. Slake races will be run at Latonia on Wednesday and Batnrday The Ml li bants* Stakes, a selling atfair for thre-year-oMa and over at a mile, is set for Wednesday. II has Beota Koola. Flora KiU-y. iarkviiW. Blisafaethaa, First Premium. Ozana. King Solomon, told Dust. Old Honesty. John Carroll. Klfall. Ilaudia. Tom Hay ward. Wool Sandals. W. A. Leach, Beke Clem, KerckevaJ, Jack Parker, Font. Third Kail. Wiiilergrecn and other useful performers engaged. The time honored Harold Stakes, for two-rear olds, will be run Satarday. with Southern Light, Jack Detunan. Wachula. Cisko. Inspector General. La I Mexican. Jaiues Me.. Sidn.-y It.. Forehead. Governor Gray, County Tax and Daneeaway best on public form . Ike Hamilton Derby will 1« Ihe feature at Hamilton nexl Satarday. it is at a mile and a quarter and has such good ones as Dalhousie. Chief Kee, Doaaa. Countless. Ilalinatiau. lulka. Bab K.. lau-ives. Penn. Sager. I-dls. Parmer. Kusy. Don Ail loiii... Milton B, and Col lis Ormshy lo furnish an excellent race.