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. - AMERICANS WIN AT NEWBURY. London, Bag., Jnne 21. iln Ki-nn.-t Twa Vear-Old ,1 I •! ;! 1 . - ,,t 900 sovereigns, distance live furlongs, va« s won it Newlmrv today by CI irlej Carroirs Queen ■| ii i.v Meddlei K.iiu.ii-a. Arctic Belli was second ,1 and Wild Ilinii third. Eighteen boreea ran. The ,. All Aired Maiden Plate .r 103 sovereigne, f * t v • • . a i- ....I-; and ■ • five furlongs, was rap lured In .lames B Keenee Lyndin, a three-year-ohl I l Dlsgllise I-: 1 11 1 1 1 .1 C. from a reinarkal.le field "I 1 thirty seven starters. I.i/.zy was aecaan and Couch 1,1 ran third.