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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. ;. v P. QtaaHaaatL o. Th- hot, the ktcfcej i,„|. ■ hacked ti-ll or m. ti-ll. li"- claim thai In- imM no4 l»- barbed li "I i" foumiition put ii,- 1 baeked n.-,i- tl"- "tily one that .-.iil.l wn, «ur horse is in the field and loses; the 1.. 1 law s. BV ST., CbfreUl r M . "a in a laka liability ..1 added 1 ia • : 13 - add ,1 " 1, "i th« 1 a ii-an tin- moatba ink. If . -rit. layei •: , ,-•: operati aaaer il"- rule added L st;,- . :„.-.k. youi parlaj woa. hut al I aarb .1 ••, -• ., aaald reauli from dednctlng ti,e ■ irters ami redueiac th -hi rdinjrlj .