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KING GEORGE WINS HIS FIRST RACE. London. June 27. — King George V. won his first race when Boyal Kscort. carrying Ix rd Derbys eel ors. under which the royal stable is to l..- run for a year, aw the Wellington Handicap of .oOo at Saialown Park Saturday. Before the start Boyal Escort, a son of Diamond Jubilee, bolted and throw liis jockey. WiMittoii. ami ngMnned over the entire course. The result was that the odds against him lengthened from :: to 1 to M to 1. When he won in a oantor after his wild runaway there was more cheering than has been heard on a race course in Kngland this year. Amid tin- demonstration aroused by loyalty to the royal owner the bookmakers shed tears of sorrow, besieged by largo crowds who had put their money on Boyal Escort.