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TURF TROUBLES IN MARYLAND. Building of New Track at Marlboro Likely to Precipitate a Conflict with Old Established Fimlico. New York. July 25. — Unless a truce is patched up Mailind may be the scene of a bitter turf war between Pimlico and a t.ew nice track now under construction In Prince George County, to he called New Marlboro Park. The promoters of this new venture have otganized under the name of the Southern Maryland Racing Association, with Arthur N. Elrod general manager, and with the sanction of the Southern Jockey Club a twenty-days meeting will be inaugurated September 2 ;. New Marlboro Park is forty minutes ride from Washington and titt.v minutes from Baltimore. It is a mile In circumference, with up-to date apiiointments and conveniences. In breaking Into the state of Maryland, where book making is legal and racing at a single track is limited to forty days a year, the New Marlboro promoters have not consult. -.1 Pimlico. Neither have they Rboasn a desire to receive a sanction from the .lock, y Club, w hich has always controlled the Pimlico meeting. But the promoters have turned to the Southern Jockey Club for its sanction and have shown much independence In applying for a state license, which will be forthcoming. The Southern Jockey Club, so-called, was formed last winter and is roaipoecrt of the Jacksonville and Tampa tracks. It is inferred therefore that some of the men who promoted winter racing in Florida are interested in the Maryland venture, which will not receive the ..tib ial approval of the Jockey Club. That means the ptepaaad meeting at New Marlboro Park will be an outlaw affair and will cause much friction with the Pimlico manasrers, who realize that their monopoly of racing in Maryland is about to be challenged. Last year reformers tried to have anti-race track legislation passed in Maryland, but the project was defeated in its incipient stages la-cause it was shown that there were only thirty days of racing at Pimlico each year. But with the springing up of this new track, built and controlled by professionals, will come serious trouble, it is predicted. Pimlico will have its usual meeting this fall with the .lockey Clahta approval, but the dates hate not been decided anon yet. If the Jockey Club frowns upon the New Marlboro it remains to be seen what action horsemen will take. Pimlico will surely ask the Jockey Club to declare the new track an outlaw. Meanwhile it is said that Jamestown. Va.. will hold a fall meeting, but the promoters may fall in line with the Southern Jockey Club this time as a matter of policy, for the meeting will depend upon horsemen that will race in Florida during the win bt-r. Jacksonville will open on November 15 or perhaps earlier, it is said, because of the expected curtailment of the local racing season, while Juarez, Max.. will open its gates shortly afterwards for a meeting of one hundred days. All of which means that there will be plenty of racing for horsemen eftea the New York tracks close.