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BUTTE ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear: track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 3:50. X Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M uiaideu. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5-8 Mile. 4 vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record : 88322 5BJ— 3— Mat. Ind. Horse. A. Wt. Hdcp. 81306* PR KEN N..112..x7oo •1241 Tra motor 8. .112.. ■ 883 81304 Rill Mavham 13. . 112. . ■ 091 91380 Phillistiua 4. . llo. .®«S5 01392* Aquiline ." . . 1 10. . XC75 01211 Heknows .". .112. . x.07o 91307 llcriv.s 5. . 1 10. . x« 70 91392 Mollic Montrose... 5..HO..X4P9 91394 Bitter Sir S..U2..X8J9 01111 George Kismet .Ml 4..112..X838 ,ir,77 Moorso Mi S..1M C.50 89838 * Merry Touch M.. it. .UK, 899 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. :: rear-olds and upward. Selling. Tra. k record: 01212 -1 :tt| -3 -MB. !, 1347s Titus II D». .180. ■ X7 MI .11211 Davkl Warheld ... 4 . . lot. . X ."95 91389 .1. M. Stokes" 3..1O2..X800 8128r * l.a P.titc 3..102..XWH 81309 Salnest 4..1D7..XM 0121.1 The- Slicker 4 . . KM. . X«75 HL282 Nebraska Lass 4. .107. . X075 01383 Dorian Prince 8.. 100. . X979 H1392 Minnie 4. .107. . X9TO 01211 Rov T 4. . 10W. . • 083 91129 Sainfex 3. .100 063 91430 Senator Warner 8. . loo. . . .1:00 Third Race — Futurity Course. 1 170 less than 3-4 mile. 1 3 vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 01420— 1:10*, lor.. 91308 Artoaette 1..193..XTZS 91349- Lord of the Forest . 7..I07.. - 720 91239 Hannah Louise.... 4 . . hm;. . x 7ir 90901 Lejia L. ch 4 . . inc.. . ©71:, 01394 Binocular 94 . . X 713 01120 Lady KUsabeUl ... 3..1O3..X710 91239 K. M . I rv 5. . loi . ,©71o 91319 P.. g„n.- 4..111..X710 91387 Tremargo 4..I01..X700 !»12 .2 Madeline Uasgrave. 4. . 00. .©, 9I2M 1 jiM.k Trip 4. -lOl 000 91393 Beatoh Lee M .. 4.. 102 875 Fourth Race — 1 Mile, g-i far-Olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: 91319- l:30| r. lor,. 91390- Harieas Maid 4. . 98 730 01390 Ocean Queen 4. .107. . X743 91300 .lac k Paine 3..MI0. .X740 01242 Edwin T. Fi ver .. 0. .115. .X 740 91319 Fanc y 3. . loo. . X735 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. :i-vear-olc|s and upward. Selling. Track record: 91390—1 :44— 4— 101. 81390 Mi s Naomi 4. .108. . X 725 91397* Louis 5..HI7..X720 91397 u.can Sliore 9.. 107.. 71S 01309 Treasure Se.-ker ... 8. .103. . 7M 01350* Kaiscrboff 8..198..X719 91238 Rather Royal 8..W4..X786 91392 Hammerawav 7..M1..X999 01308 Mike .Ionian 0..101 898 89391 Knd niion II 8. . In:: . . .878 titan in races 91168 and 81391 as Eiidyinion. Sixth Race— 3-1 Mile. 3-year-oidn ami spward. Selling. Track record; 91212— 1:124— 3— MS. 91347* Rwagerlator 5..M0..X72S 91128 Charlie Doberty .. 5;. 113.. ■ 72o 81306 Burleigh 9. .199. .49716 913481 Emma G 5.. 107. . 710 91120 Grace c o. . 107. .®7 »r. 01244, Ix.rd Bossing ton .. 8. .100. .X 799 91 380 3 Rev el Tovar 3. .MB.. 69| 8 1389* Jack oLauteiu 8. .109.... 898 Ind. Hone. A. Wt. Hdcp. 01241 Ttllingnast 5.. M9.. 89 91349 Ramon Corona o. . 102. X0M Seventh Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 91212— 1 :124— -3— IOS. 91384 Kleclrowan 3..100. .X700 91392* Hannibal Bcv 8.. 109. .X 906 91108* Gamers 3. .100. . XttM 91382 .Dllctt 7..107..X885 01303* Bay Carter M... ."...107 6S3 91393 Deneea 3. . 109. . xflso 81394 Lillian Rav 4 . . 107. . X 75 01313 Co|,|«-rtiebl 0. .M9. . X 07". 81304 Warfare S..100. .X930 91348 Lola White 0..107 07O 01387 Lorenzo M 3. .M3. . x870 01387 Swift MacNeill ... 8. .100. . X983