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MORE RACING FOR VANCOUVER. Vancouver. B. C. Scptcmlier 8. — The Vancouver Jockey Club, the oldest racing organization in British olunibia. is holding a seven -days meeting at Minora Park. Which it leased for the parnom from the British Columbia Thoroughbred Association, who-, two meetings authorized under the Miller act have already been completed. The Vancouver Jockey Club was organised in February. MBS, when Vancouver was ji city of only 10.900 inhabitants, ami its first meetings were held on the Hastings race course, which subsequently was taken over by the city of Vanenuver for provincial fair purposes, since which time the Vancouver Jockey Club has been without a home. The present meeting began last Saturday and v ill elose next Saturday. The patronage has been excellent and it is planned to hold a second meeting October 1 to s. Participating in the racing are li an v horses th:t recently raeed. in Montana, including Enfield. Fernando. Prcjuiejo. K. M. Fry. Royal Stone. Wistaria. porotBJ l.edgett. Titus II.. Jessup Burn, Creston Boy. David Poland. La Petite, Minne doeia. Plgent, Com bury, Lyte Knight, Inclement. Frieze. Balpearl. ifteraaath. Senator Warner. I-re-donla Biased. Kebulosas, Silver Grata, Jack Paine and Endymion II. The officers of the Vancouver Jockev Ciuh arc- as follows: Honorary president. Jonathan Miller: president. J. G. Woods; rice-president, A. E. Bhelton: secretary-treasurer, B. chevalier: racing secretary, Robert F. Leigntou. The lacing officials include T. J. We II ma n . presiding fudge; Jonathan Miller and J. O. Woods, honorary judges; V. l allahee. starter; P. Reilly. clerk of the scales; S. J. Botnert, timer and paddock judge; A. II. Reed, patrol judge.