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TORONTO TO HAVE GLORIOUS MEETING. Splendid List of Entries for Eleven Stakes to Be Ruri at Woodbine Park. Toronto. Out.. September 20.— The autumn meeting of the Ontario Jockey Club, which will open at Woodbine Park the coming Saturday and continue through the succeeding week, bids fair to eclipse in brilliancy all its predecessors. The meetings of the Ontario Jockey Club an- invariably conducted on a high plane, but this tall everything points to the most successful session of sport at Woodbine that Canada lias ever been treated to. The class of the material available lor the racing is better than ever before and the absence of racing elsewhere, except in Kentucky, adds to the possibilities for the meeting. The program that Secretary W. P. Fraser has arranged assures glorious sport. No less than eleven stakes are carded for decision during the seven days that tiie meet big is scheduled to run. All of these Makes have entries that insure splendid contests, as may lie seen from the following lists of the eligibles thereto: Toronto Autumn Cup handicap I — ,500 added: for three-year-olds and upward, one mile and a quarter: to be run Saturday. Scptenilicr 24. Soteinia. Aylmer. Adalia. Fauntleroy. Stanley Fay. Plaudmore. Port Johnson. Noon. Chief Kee. Don Antonio. Oiambala. Fits: Herbert. Spellbound. Pinkola. Beatigonche. Kverett. Friend Harry. Firestone. John Keardon. Tasteful. Dalmatian. Spindle. The Turk. Hampton Court. S.iger. Don. Maedonuld. Kingship. Seismic. Guy Fisher. Amelia Jenks. Woodbine Alllumn Steeplechase — ,800 added; for four-year olds and upward, two miles; to be run Saturday. September 24. Thlstledale. Gl aadpa. Prince. Bilberry. Dr. pillow. Bergao. Bannock P. b. Rtellalaad. Oakhatat. Bjraanttne. Expanaioniat. Thomond. Bacra. Nick oTime. Black bridge. Merry Man. Teddy Dear. Mellowmint. Tourney. St. i- Lane. BaUyeaatle. Nebuchadnezzar Sir Wooster. Minto. St. Faisenay. Nat P.. Tappington. Hello. High Hat Judge Cronin. Dominion Handicap— ,000 aded; for three-year olds and upward foaled in Canada: one mile; to be run Saturday, September 24: Lnreiiie. Bursar. Meaaeie. m|mt Since. Lady of Mercia. Denham. raawle Maid. Seismic. Commola. Shore Lark. Pcarltisher. Parmer. KroHe. Jane Shore. rVntfram fup a heavyweight handicap — A thai Irngtl ip, ralne *1. hio. wilh ,000 added: for thri-e y«tir olds and upward: the bona fide properly of mrWfa resident in Canada, and the horse or liorMn i «» be owned by the nominator prior to Augiil 1 an* mile and a sixteenth; to lie run Monday. Nrptaaaber 26: Hickory Htlck. IMi Antonio. Wm. Pitt. Rio Grande. Michael Angelo. Stanley Pay. Plandmw. Kitin Dean. Oreagaa. hier K« e. Plyiag Footsteps. Ta Nun Da» Kokomo. Wool vine. Tophet. Lyndbnrat. Dcnham. Cast Steel, port Johnson. F.nglish Esther. Iffefcaetma* Handicap — ,000 added: for Iwe-year- olds; three -uuarteri of a mile; to be run Tuesday. September 27. Praiseworthy. Kornttk. Plsniitess. Whist. Whin. Governor Gray. Sandhill. Dust. Limpet. Walervale. Boanccr. I.aoinedon. Bcu I .• -.i. ii . Suvuunuli. Tiberius. Lady Bosalie. Madrigalian. County Tax. Semproius. M ague tine. Honeretf. Horizon. Pagad. Planter. Ioniona. Picolata. Nauslion. Aetna. Melton Street. Amalfi. Cisniont. Dune Campbell. Lady Ix rne. Missive. Kingtiin. Cold. Wedding. Solid Comfort. Capsize. Jim L. oal shoot. Kdda. Scrimmage. Novelty. Bayerin. John Penocrgrast. The Durham Cap — ,900 added: far threc-year-ohls and upward foaled in Canada: one mile and three-quarters: to be run Wednesday. September 2S. Canafe Maid. frolic Pcarltisher. Caper Sauce. Onaping. Parmer. Shore Lark. Seismic. Whaup. Minoru Plate — ,000 added: selling: for all ages: one mile; to be run Thursday, September 20: Piukola. Dalmatian. Kdda. Friend Harry. Hampton Court. Jack Atkin. Sandhill. Novelty. [dmpet. The Turk. Kormak. Seismic. Magazine. I.ovetie. Crey Girl. PoaMaa. Kingship. Polls. Gay Fisher. Fauntleroy. Aylmer. Chief Kee. JMn Antonio. Denliam. HoUd Comfort. Everett. Stanley Fay. Fitz Herbert. Samhiau. Ohuahala. Beatlgonche. Capsize. Ta Nun Da. Firestone. John Heardon. The Crey Stakes — ,900 added: for two-year dds, one mile; to be run Saturday. Oelober 1. Myst ic River. Bouncer. Jim L. Sandhill. Blackfoot. Bayerin. Waterrale. Dust. Plannteaa. Whist. Savannah. Scriminage. Lady Kosaiie. Pagod. Lfanpet. Semproius. Madrigalian. Laomcdon. Horizon. Piealata. TIberlna. Pomaaa. Magnetlne, Garernor Gray. Aetna. Bendemeer. Supple. Cisinont. Melton Street. Planter. Missive. Dune Campbell. Amalfi. Solid Comfort. Kingpin. Cuttjrhaak. Braganaa. Capsize. Lady Lome. Novelty. Kdda. Cold. Wedding. Kormak. John Pendergrast. Ontario Jockey Club Cup handicap — . 500 added; for three year-olds and upward: two miles and a quarter; to be run Saturday. October 1: Iinkola. Montgomery. Merman. First. Peep. [j ndlWI at Sager. Mamie Algol. Kingship. ruche dOr. Don. Mardnaald Amelia Jenks. Seismic, equation. SoteaUa. Azo. Guy Fisher. Iauntleroy. Kline. Fair Annie. Robert Oaoper. Duke of Roanoke. Colcoiida. Fort Johns in. Aylmer. Chief Kee. Don Antonio. Whaup. Fitz Herbert. Francis Joseph. Grandpa. Dalmatian. Itussell A. Otaatbala. Hanqiton Court. John Keardon. Cast Steel. The Hendrle Steeplechase a ugc cup. han dicap — ■ 82,000 added; for roar-year -olds and upward, three miles; to be run Saturday, October 1. Mellowmint. Ted. Iilicastle. Ballycastlc. Dacra. Prince Hampton. Minto. Nebuchadnezzar. Nat B. Tappington. St. Faisenav. High Hat. Gild, Dr. Pillow. John Dillon. Francis Joseph. Kxpansionist. Dor goo. o. K. Nick oTime. Oakhatat BUberry-. Teddy Bear. Blackbridge. Bannock Bob. Steve Lane. Byzantine. Sir Wooster. Stanley Produce Stakes— $ 1 .500 added; for three-year-olds, one mile and a quarter; to lie run Saturday. October 1. Le rente. Basseterre. Parmer. St. Cecilia. Lady p.ass. Oammola. Frolic. Bursar. Last Post. Chat. flraarh Whaup. Chaparral. Jane Shore. Nettle. Slay tannic Sandy Kirk wood. Orinence.