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NOTES OF THE TURF. D. Mescliendorf, of Louisville. Ky., has purchased of Peter Clinch, of St. John, N. B., the well-known stallion Garry Herrmann. The report comes from Norfolk that the preachers of that city will try to make trouble for the ap-proachipg spring meeting at Jamestown. P. Murphy, who piloted the 300 to 1 shot Bright Skies to Victory at Oakland track a few seasons ago, is" now a bellboy in a fashionable San Francisco hostelry. Trainer Nixon has gone to Hamilton, Ont.. to transfer Denhani, Parmer, Commola and Whaup to AVoodblue to join the other horses of the Valley Farm Stable. These will be all the horses he will have this season other than two-year-olds. A new development in relation to the constitutionality of the Hart-Agnew law in New York state is the. raising of the question of the eligiblity of Otto Foelker, whose vote helped lu the passage of the bill by one vote, to a seat in, the senate, on the ground of .non-naturalization. The San Francisco Chronicle alleges that "the handbook operators in San Francisco are making preparations to take bets on the Juarez races, claiming that they will be immune from arrest, because the races are run in Mexico. Interesting developments can be expected in this direction, as the handbook men liavo had legal advice on the matter and threaten to take a chance, despite the strict anti-betting law." According to reports from the coast the operations of "the layers at Oakland during the recently ended meeting were not attended with profit. Frank Bain is credited with being the biggest winner, while bookmaker Ryan of New York was the heaviest loser bv many thousands. George Rose was actually a loser on the- season when lie started operations on the closing day. but he cleaned up ,000 ou the days business, which put him ahead.