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i J : 1 ; 1 " 1 : 1 s CANADIAN BREEDING INTERESTS GROW. J Nominations for Ontario Jockey Club Fixtures Give Evidence of Increased Importance of Industry. Toronto, Ont.. March S. Entries for the Ontario .Tockev Club stakes which closed, last week spell " progress and prosperity for. Canadian thoroughbred J interests. The Kings Plate has but one more entry than last vear, but the Breeders. Maple Leaf and Stanley Produce Stakes shiw substantial increases. t The comparison is: Number of j entries 1910. 1911. Kings Plato IS 19 ";, Stanlev Produce Stakes 7."! 94 9 Hreeders Stakes 4 S Maple Leaf Stakes 1 Totals li!9 ISO I The list of entries for the Kings Plato lias al- 9 rcadv been published. The conditions and noinina- 9 Hons for the other stakes referred to are as follows: Manle Leaf Stakes For three-year-old fillies foaled in the Dominion of Canada in 1909, and owned there at time of starting; .." to accompany entry I and 0 additional to start, with ,000 added, of I which 00 to second horse and 00 to third: win- I ners to carry five pounds extra: death of nominator r, does not render entry void; 1 1-31 miles: to be run during the year 1912 as the Ontario Jockey Club may direct: : 0. A. Crews ch. f, Amberite, by Martimas Lyd- dite. Robert Davies ch. f, Gold Hud. by A lies d Or -Gold Spot; eh. f, St. Margaret, by Orinu Shore Lou I. John Dvments br. f. Sealed Order, by Tongorder 9 Miss Morgan: ch. f. Trlxie Leroy, by Stalwart !l Depends; br. r, Marion L., by Fort Hunter Pa- 9 pintu. 2 M. Hutchinsons ch. f. Miss Margaret, by Orme J Shore .Minnie Lightfoot. Mrs. L. A. Livingstons ch. f. .Aurora Haby. by Armeath II. -Anna Daly: ch. f. Marybiid, by Ar- S nieath II. Meadowley; b. r. Floras Dial, hy Stanhope II. Ganymede. H. J. Mackenzies ch. f. Shore Dream, hy Orme .Shore Idle Dream; ch. f Ilird Cage, by Wire In Hurdette: b. f. Glenwire. hy Who In Glcnac. f J. E Seagrams b. f, bv Marta Santa Frou Frou; b. f. bv Havoc Satanic; !. f. by HavocT-Court Maid;: hi f. by llavo Irish Wifhi -cli,--f, -hy- Havoc I Hose MadrigaUb. f, by -Ypsllantl-Sifmley: b. f. bv Ypsilanti Martyrdom: b. f. by Ypsilanti Do- 1 lores III.: ch. f. by Havoc or Ypsilanti Royal China; b. f, by Pershore New Dance, blk. f, by Pcrshorc or Merry England Gloxinia. I Valley Farm Stables ch. f. by .Martimas Sam- 1 pan. John Youngs b. f. by Alios dOr Sugarplum. 1 Hreeders Stakes For three-year-olds foaled in the Dominion of Canada and owned there at lime of starting; to accompany entry ami 0 additional to start, witli ,000 added, of which 00 to sec- oud horse and 00 to third: winners to carry live i pounds extra: death of nominator does not render I entrv void: one mile and a furlong: to be run dur- hig "Hie year 1912 as the Ontario Jockey Club may 1 direct: . , ; C. S. Campbells b. o. Floral Crown, by Floral ! King Llesee. C. S. Crews ch. f, Amberite, by Martimas Lyd- dll!bhort Davies ch. f, Gold Bud. by Ailos dOr : Gold Spot; ch. f, St. Margaret, by Orme Shore ! Lou D. ; John Dvments b. c, Marcovil, by Cesarion Lady 1 Rlack; br. c, Heresy, by Sain Hera: ch. c. Rush Order, bv Tongorder Flying Hess: ch. c. Tropoeo- 1 Hum, bv Nasturtium Fair Annet: br. f. Sealed . Order, by Tongorder Miss Morgan; ch. f. Trixie Lerov, by Stalwart Depends. II. Giddiugs ch. g, Audramon, by Pan Longin Mr Honey. , Edward Glasscos b. g. Joe Gaiety, by Martimas Miss Gaiety; ch. g. Prince Polo, by .Makaland Kitty Regent. , , ; Mrs. L. A. Livingstons Liburne, by Loeohatchee : Miss 1iis; br. c. King Cash, by Howling Hrook ! Alcyone II.; ch. f. Magpie, by Armeath II. Made-la inc. . R J. Mackenzies ch. f. Shore Dream, by Orme Shore Idle Dream; ch. f, Rird Cage, by Wire In Hurdette: ch. e. Rirthniark, by Wire In Scarlet; b. f, Glenwire, by Wire" In Glcnac. Joseph E. Seagrams br. or b. c, by n.ivoc Fairlie Head: b. g, by McGee Puritanla: ch. g, by McGee Class; b. g. bv Ypsilanti Xenia; b. g. by Sempronius Marefo; b. f, by Marta Santa Frou Frou; b. f. bv Havoc Satanic; h. f. by Havoc Court Maid; b." f. bv Havoc Irish Witch: ch. f, by Havoc Rose Madrigal; b. f, by Ypsilanti Semley: b. f, bv Ypsilanti Martyrdom; b. f, by Yysilanti Dolores III.; blk. f, by Pershore or Merry England Gloxinia; ch. f, by Havoc or Ypsilanti Royal China. Vallev Farm Stables ch. g. White Caps, by MarianasSplash; ch. c. Rock Spring, by Martimas Spriugwclls: br. g. Porcupine, by Martimas Losi-ola: b. f. Hon Toi. by Ailes dOr Sugarplum; ch. g. by Ailes dOr Taiala; ch. g, by Martimas Ro-sinaVokes. Stanley Produce Stakes An open sweepstakes, for three-year-olds, foals of 1911. by subscription of each for mares covered in 1910. and of each for the produce of such mares unless struck out by the first of January, 1912; or of So unless struck out bv first of January, 191".: or of unless struck out ; bv first of January. 1914; starters to pay 0 additional; the club to add .r.00 to the stakes, of which ,00 to the second horse and 00 to third: stake weight; winners to carry three pounds extra; of 00. four pounds; of ,000. ten pounds: maidens ; allowed five pounds; Dominion-hreds. seven pounds : additional: mares may be entered by .persons not their owners, lint owners to have prior right: ir foal I not alive first of July. 1911. nomination of mare void: deatli of nominator does not render entry void; 1 1-4 miles: to be run during the year 1914 as the Ontario Jockev Club may direct. James Hovairds Ismailian. by St. Andrew, bred 1 to Cormorant and Prince Ilohenlohe. C. S. Campbells Liosse, by Morehattle. bred to Martimas; Called Hack, by Chorister, bred to St. Savin: Gargle, bv Hurst Park, bred to McGee: In- sinuate, bv St. Hlaise. bred 1o St. Savin; Hirch 1 Hroom, brHen Hrush. bred to Cesarion. Thomas Clvdclt Aliiambra, hy Star Ruby, bred to Hrvn Mawr; Sorel. by Sempronius, bred to Hryn 1 Mawr; Taslev. bv Sempronius, ln-cd to Hryn Mawr: ; Marv Street," by Onondaga, bred to Ornament: ThisV - tledown. bv Eothen. bred to Hryn Mawr. Raymond M. Dales Drowsy, by Golden Dawn, bred to Kelston. Robert Davies Ranged Guitar, by Kapanga .norse. bred to Rolsover: Misehiefmaker. hy Meddler, bred 1 to Rolsover; French Shore, by Orme Shore, bred to Ailes dOr: Searchlight, by Bonnie Scotland, bred to Orme Shore; Gold Spot, by Henry of Navarre, bred to Ailes dOr: Loupania. by Kapanga Horse, bred to Rolsover; Wish, bv Order, bred to St. Savin; Gay Dora, bv Kapanga Horse, bred to Rolsover; Gold Braid, by Garb Or. bred to Holsover. John Dvments Grandma II.. by Riley, bred to Red Fox; Bella Hamburg, by Hamburg, bred to Red Fox; Hera, bv Hamburg, bred to Red Fox; Elf. by Gal-1 Hard, bred to Red Fox: Miss Morgan, by St. Blaise, bred U Tongorder; Depends, hy The Friar, bred to Tongordpr; Brogue, by Hanover, bred "to Tongorder: Fair Annet, by Hanover, bred to Tongorder; Flying Continued on second page. CANADIAN BREEDING INTERESTS GROW. Continued from first page. Bess, by Courlown, bred to Tongorder; Papiuta, by FeSsara", bred to Tongorder. Estate of William Hehdrie Kelpie, by Martlmas, bred to David Garrick; Sampan, by Harvey, bred to David Garrick; Percussion, by Dcnvcntwatcr, bred to David Garrick; Firewater, by Derwentwater, bred: to Martimas; Blue Grouse, by Titbonus, bred to Martimas; Splash, by Ben Stroine, bred to David Garrick; Temagami, by Derwentwater, bred to Martimas; Flicker, by Derwentwater, bred ito David Garrick; Amab, by Candlemas, bred to Martimas; The LIntle, by Gold Car, bred to Martimas; Piffle, by lldrini, bred to Martimas; Mokiland, by Sleipner, bred to Martimas; Sally Cohen, by Star Ruby, bred to .Martimas; Butter Scotch, by Derwentwater, bred to David Garrick. H. GIddLngs My Honey, by. Yo El Rey, bred to Bassetlaw; Better Half, by Halfling. bred to Basset-law; Yai Olaij by Ingoldsby, bred to Bassetlaw; Cuba Free, by Hanover, bred to David Garrick. William Jennings Green Erin, by Dutch Roller, bred to Cave Adsum. J. O. Palmers Hundley, by Candlemas, bred to Cedarstrome. P. J. Porteous Irene A., by Griffon, bred to Martimas. George Hendries The Belle, by Faraday, bred to Martimas; Pinafore, by Pirate of Penzance, bred to The Foreman; Scarlet Runner, by Loyalist, bred to The Foreman; Spring Wells, by Derwentwater, bred to David Garrick;.Placena, by Loyalist, bred to Martimas: Losiola, by Loyalist, bred to Martimas; Otsi-kcta, by Orniis, bred to Martimas. It. J. Mackenzies Cicely, by The Tarter, bred to Wire In; Grcrchen B., by Politico, bred to Wire In; Glenac, by Glcnbelni. bred to "Wire In; Scarlet, by Mirthful, bred to Wire In; Burdotte. by Plaudit, bred td Wire In; Idle Dream, by Oddfellow, bred to AVirc In. A. E. Ogilvies Rhythm, bv The Bard, bred to Dublin; Ballet Girl, by St. Leonards, bred to Dublin. J. E. Seagrams Irish Lass, by Donovan, bred to Havoc; Class, by Kingston, bred to Havoc; Prou Frou, by Meddler, bred to Havoc: Dcvis, by Dare-bin, bred to Havoc; Xcnla, by Xcnophon, bred to Havoc; Puritania. by Meddler, bred to Havoc; Martyrdom, by St. Blaise, bred to Havoc: Fairlic Head, by Ayrshire, bred to Havoc: Mrs. Nelson, by Simon Magus, bred to Havoc; Veracious, by Veracity, bred to Pershorc and Havoc; Dolleia, by Emperor, bred to Pershorc and Havoc: Coquille, by Order, bred to Ypsliauti; Dolores III., by Saraband, bred to Ypsilanti; Sea Wall, by St. Serf, bred to Ypsilanti: Prima Vera, by Royal Cherry, Wed to Ypsilanti; Chinka. by Florizel II., bred to Ypsilanti; Rose Madrigal, by Roscbery, bred to Inferno: Royal China, by Worcester; bred to Inferno: Satanic, by Despair, bred to Inferno; Frame, by Kendal, bred to Inferno; Court Maid, by C.vllcne, bred to Inferno; Mareto. bv Volaute. bred to Inferno. W. Walkers Vireinnl, by Giganteum. bred to Earl Rogers: .Kyle, by Kilkerran. bred to Earl Rogers. Woodstock Stables Supper Dance, by Morpheus, bred to Harvey; Castabout, by Marauder, bred to Bohemian Girl.