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PROBABLE STARTERS IN LATONIA DERBY. Cincinnati, ».. Jane 5. As the date approaches for the decision ol the Latonia Derby, to lie run net Salurdav in coi ction with the opening of the La-Ionia meeting, the conviction grows thai the race will he a notable contest from every standpoint. II is confidently expected the field will he numerically strong as well as of surpassing quality. revised list of the probable starters, jockeys, weights ami prevailing odds in the future hooks, follows: Horse. Wt. Jockey. Odds. Star Charter 1*5 J. Wilson 8-1 Governor Gray IS* • ■HP* "•, Mound the World ...MB -I. Callahan KM Messenger Boy 1 1T Kennedy 1..-1 nv | ort . ...117 A. Thomas 15-1 White Wort H4 McCahcy 8-1 A. lams Express ill •!• Glass " i Colston "4 TanMn 99-1 forehead 114 Loft us 1..-1 lines* Men 114 Can/. 99-1 .lack Denaaaa 114 McTaggart 40-1 Starry Night 109 T. Koerner Mil lieatberbroom 109 .1. Mclntyre lo-l Mod Sill 10" Goose 10 1