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ANOTHER NEW ORLEANS RUMOR. New Orb-ans. I-i.. Juno 15. — Business and sportiug circles are much interested in a report that an attempt to restore racing under certain regulations. is back of a bid made by George G. Frledrlcha f"i Hie Citv Park race track property. Samuel F. Hi as lip. 15. F*. Bahler anil c. H. Bice, liquidators of the City PUk Jo key Club, met and received proposals. The onlv bid sutmiiiliil was from Mr. Friedriehs, the original promoter of the Citv Park race track. His offer was taM.000. The report circulated in connection with the Fried riehs bit! was that Mr. ITiedrichs was acting for fofeigu interests who wire willing to buy the property as an investment on some sssaiaiirr that raclag under certain regulations would be restored in this city.