Bad Day For Lagoon Favorites., Daily Racing Form, 1911-06-23


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BAD DAY FOR LAGOON FAVORITES. Salt I. -ike City. Utah, June 22. — Perfect racing conditions coupled with a card of more than ordinary attractiveness, drew a fine attendance to Lagoon today. A handicap at five-eighths attracted a good field of sprinters, including Napa Nick and RigUt-easy. and was the chief attraction of the afternoon. The withdrawal of Terns Trick was somewhat of a disappointment to the public, which finally selected the Bedwell entry for flie probable winner, although Pawhuska did not lack supporters. Righteasy loomed as the likely winner until well down the stretch, when lack of condition told and she succumbed to the rush of Pawhuska, which drew clear in the last fifty yards. The day was a disastrous one for the public, not one of their choices being returned winner, and the layers were enabled to recoup to an appreciable extent their reci-nt extensive losses.

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Local Identifier: drf1911062301_1_7
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