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RECORD-BREAKING SALE OF HORSES. Nearly a Million Dollars Paid for Thoroughbreds at the Annual Newmarket December Sales. The sale of thoroughbreds conducted at Newmarket, England, in the course of the second week of December, eclipsed all precedents in the amount of business transacted. The sales were of all ages and classes of thoroughbreds, stallions, broodmares, yearlings, foals and horses in training or ready for training. In all 5S3 were sold for the enormous total of 47,000 and an average of ,009,40. In previous December sales the closest approach to this colossal total in the last five years was made last year, when 529 horses were sold for an aggregate of 79S 335. Really the feature of the first days selling was furnished when James 11. Keencs select band of American-bred racers was sent into the ring. Of these all were not sold, reserve prices on Blarney Stone Haveloek and Franconi leading to their being bought in at ,250, ,250 and ,750, respectively. This probably means that Mr. Keeno has not retired from racing and that he will have a try for classic honors next year if all goes well with this trio. The six that were sold brought the fine total of S i20 guineas, the .equivalent of :!,444.S0, and an average of slightly over ,240. The six and their buyers and prices were: Runnymeadc, b. c, 3, by Voter Running Stream; S. II. Darling S,200 o Cataract, b. c, 2 by Ben Brush Running Stream: Mr. Bellamy 14,040 Outram, b. c. 2, by Delhi Gingham; S. G. Pickering ,S00 Simulium. b. c, 2, by Disguise Sandfly ;M. lonsccji ........ o .j Junina. b. or br. f, 2, by Delhi Cap and Bells; F. Butters .................... 1.S20 Matushka, b. or br. f, 2, by oter Lca- teriua; M. Fonseea 5.2 The other sales, by days, of the horses that brought ,000 or more, were as follows: First Day, Monday, December 4. Normanie, ch. m. C, by Minting Normania; M. Zveqnintzcff 0,.o0 Placidus, b. c, 4, by Cyllene Jeans Folly; lonsocn o,XH Cvilene More. b. c, 2 by Cyllene Santa Maura; Lord St. Davids......... 5,000 First Kiss, b. f, 3, by The Victory Hunt Ball 13. Tanner 4,000 Tester b. m. 15, by Fernandez Groat, with colt foal; Mr. Ellers 3.W Greek Girl, b. m, 12, by Trenton Thessaly; Mr. Kdmonds J,6o0 Second Day, Tuesday, December 5. Rose Verte, blk. f, 3, by Elf Rose Nini; Mr Muller lu,G00 Ulalume, br. in. S, by Gallinule The Mcs- sage; Mr. Muller 14,000 Bird i th Hand, b. m 5, by Gallinule Bush; Sir M. Fitzgerald 0,000 Will Return, ch. f. 3. by William the Third Recall: Sir M. Fitzgerald .............. .,.0 Wansdale. ch. m, 7, by Orme Rydal Mount; J. Musker VV ,,2 Zefa, ch. m, 5, by Orme Ornament; J. Musker Delagoa Bay, b. m, 5, by Bay Ronald For- tugal; M. Halbronn 5,000 Solaginella, b. in, C, by Sainfoin Zobeyde; M. Cazalet 5,000 Dosca, b. m, 7. by Desmond High Feather; D. Mann 5.000 Cviiia, b. m, 5, by Cyllene Cyme; M. Bash- kiroff $ 4,550 St. Philomela, br. m, 5, by St. Simon Philomath: I. Mann 4,050 Ladv of Grace, I, or br. f, 3, by St. Frusquin Ladv C; Peter Fitzgerald 4,050 Cerito, br. m. 5. by John . oGaunt Opera Dance: M. Zvequintzcir 4,000 Kings Favour, br. m, 10, by Persimmon Piiantassie; J. S. McDonald 4,000 Imagination, br. m, 7, by St. Serf Phan- tassie; M. Halbronn 4,000 Donaria, br. in, 10. by Donovan Trance; Mr. Wilbcrforcc 4,000 Bavete, b. m. 5, by Bay Ronald Childs Nun; L. Phillips 3.S50 Gallina. ch. f. 3, by Gallinule Suzanne; M. Bashkiroff 3,050 La Vie, ch. m, S, by Laveno Iron; M. Halbronn 3,500 Queen of Spain, b. in. 10, by Velasquez Bed of Roses; Mr. Howard 3,300 Lichen, br. g, 4, by Lynchoscope Veridiau; Mr. Hahn 3,050 So So, br. m, 5. by Sundrldge Iso Hampton; D. Mann 3,000 Savannah, b. f, 3, by Sainfoin Columbian; II. Halbronn 3,000 Minnow, br. in, 0. by William the Third Meno; W. A. Iliggs 3,000 Third Day, Wednesday, December 6. Marmite. br. m, 7, by Ayrshire Briscis; J. Russell 2,4S0 Mustapha, ch. g, 5, by Oberon or Uncle Mac Chatty; D. M. Gant 12.4S0 Persephone, b. f, 3, by Persimmon Princess Melton; Count Tesio 9,250 Bay mare, 0, by St. Simon Pace Eggcr; Madame Lemaire de Villlers S.500 Mistral, ch. m, by Gallinule Vortex; British Bloodstock Agency 7,000 La Mousse, b. f, 4, by Ladas Mousme; J. S. McDonald 0,500 Slv Missie, br. f, 4, by Ayrshire Lisdowney; "it. Whitworth 0,500 Bridge of Sighs, b. m, 0, by Isinglass Santa Brigida; J. P. Ilornung 0,500 Brownie, 1. f, 3, by Gallinule Elf ; Sir M. Fitzgerald 5,750 Little Nell. b. m. S, by Cyllene Jiffy II.; British Bloodstock Agency 5,000 Wethers Well. b. f, 3, by St. Brendan Pros- perina; J. Fallon 5,000 Brown colt foal, by Polymclus Marmite; J. Russell 5,000 Grianne, b. m, 5, by Persimmon Sunourst; Herr von Stoepe 4,000 Sister Dora, b. m, 7, by Isinglass;Musidora; Sir T. Dewar 4,000 Merrynule, b. f, 4, by Gallinule Anticant; M. Zvequintzeff 4.300 Maxima, b. f, 3, by Ayrshire Rosa Melton; C. AVood 4,050 Radira, b. f. 4. by St. Frusquin Rambling Katie: J. P. Ilornung 4,000 Brown filly foal, by Dark Ronald Chaffaway; M. Langlands 3,500 Bay filly, 3, by Chaucer Eugenia; Mr. Mc- iuigan 3,550 Brown colt foal, by John oGaunt Sly Missie; W. A. Higgs 3,300 Rosemary, b. f, 4, by Ladas Skimmery; M. Halbronn 3,250 Martagonia, ch. in, S, by Martagon Arcadia; F. Luscombe 3,100 River Song, b. f, 2, by Lally Elsie Hampton; Herr von Stoepe 3,100 Parisot. b. in, 5, by Bay Ronald Farandole; M. Gurry 3,050 Dennis Richard, ch. h. 12, by Laveno Mill Pond; Sir M. Burrell 3,000 Fourth Day, Thursday, December 7. Mirador, ch. h, 5, by Marco Semitone; Rait Kerr 2,4S0 Ours, b. f , 2, by Count - Schomberg Rose Ronald: Lord St. Davids 7,000 Clarilaw, b. m, 5, by Persimmon Bettyfield; Mr.- Fraser 5,500 Romanv Lass, br. in, 5, by Eager Queen of the Plains; I. Mann 5,000 Game Lass, b. in. 5, by St. Simon Game Chick; British Bloodstock Agency 4,300 Queen of the Hellenes, ch. in, 5, by Cyllene Quintessence: British Bloodstock Agency 4,100 Amoro, b. f, 4, by Amphlou Ore; Lord Zetland 4,050 Firewitch, b. f, 2, by Cyllene Firelight; E. Tanner 3,750 Roval Red, b. f. 2. by William the Third Brilliana; J. C. Metcalfe 3,500 Lady Quex, b. f, 2, by Florizel II. Gay Duchess; E. Tanner 3,300 Ronna, br. ni, 0, by Bay Ronald Uncomber; J. Butters : 3,050 Pederinia. ch. f, 3, by Persimmon Calista; C. M. Prior 3,050 Criton, ch. c; 2. by Admirable Crlchton Nirvannah; II. L. Frazer 3,050 Presage, b. c, 2, by Joe Chamberlain Spring-up; F. Lambton -.. 3,000 Fifth Day, Friday, December 8. La volt, ch. c, 3, by Laveno Barcarola; G. Parker $ S.S40 Blown colt foal, by William the Third-Fair Nell; Duke of Portland S.030 Fair Nell. ch. m, 14, by Gallinule Adelaide; Duke of Portland $ 7.S00 Tirara. b. or rn. m, S, by Bill of Portland Tiraillerio; R. Day 7,500 Ruapuna, br. c. 3. by Kings Messenger Lord St. Davids C.750 Orange Girl, b. f,- 2, by Wiliam the Third-Fair Nell; Mr. Howard 5,500 Bokaal, b. m, S, by St. Serf Kissing Cup; Lord Dor by 5,250 Bessie Burke, b. m, 5, by Australian Star Meta; Lord Derby 3,500 Togs. ch. f, 3, by St. Frusquin Ripple; Mr. Hartley 3,200 Seventeen of the highest-priced marcs sold were liought on behalf of Senor Carlos Reyles. For many years this gentleman has been the leading breeder in Uraguay, but he recently acquired a fine new stud farm in the Argentine. It is in the province of Buenos Ayres, a nights journey from the capital in the same locality, in fact, as the famous Ojo de Agua Stud, where Cyllene and Polar Star are located, and where Kendal and Pietcrmaritzburg passed their last days. The climate aud the laud are all that could be desired, and there is no reason whatever for doubting that Senor Reyles will, within a very short time, realize his ambition to own one of the leading establishments of its kind in the Argentine. Towards the attainment of that end lie is pouring out money without stint. He has recently spent 40,000 in the erection of a house aud stud premises, and the whole establishment Is being founded on absolutely first-class lines.