The Leading Jockeys of 1911 in America, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-05

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| + 4 + „. -■ M r. -I " it ■ u " i1 U r 11 I .! ;: I! 11 li ;! 1! 11 li !! |j l! M , I a ■ v. — * 1 THE LEADING JOCKEYS 0E 1911 IN AMERICA 4. S To T. Koerner, who stood third in the list for the preceding year, fell the distinction of riding more winners in 1911 than any other American jockey. This skillful young jockey is under contract to W. O. i.lin and the major portion of his successes were achieved in Kentucky, although lie began the year aus-pieJoualy on the Florida tracks. But for an inexplicable mid-summer slump iu Canada his margin over McCahey, his scares! rival tor the honors of the year, would have been much greater than It is. Koerners I record tor the year is H firsts out of SI.-: mounts, which gives him a percentage of .20. Koerner has -l- sdlly been taking on weight, but is still able to ride at about 104 pounds, or rather he was making that Height when he last appeared in the saddle in the early part of November, bince which time he has been enjoying a respite from the exertions of his vocation. As during the preceding year, C. H. Shilling figures as the American leader of 1!11 in the important item of percentage of winning mounts, which is the real test of horsemanship and skill in the saddle. Shilling rode infrequently as compared with those who stand ahead of him in the matter of winning mounts. Guy Garner, who headed the list of 1910, rode in Mils country during the early part of 1911 and then neut to France to ride for August Belmont, who acquired his contract. At the time of his departure he was not a formidable contender for the honors of the year. Following is a tabulation of the records of the leading jockeys of each year since and including 1895: Jockey. Mis. 1st. 2d. :id. Dam, I.C. s ,s.i.-, Perkins MS H8 177 lilt 2S4 .Jr I ivi; c. Bi-itV 822 lH.»U Hd 80 ."42 .:;. ls!i7 II. Martin 803 17:; 158 tic 302 .21 taw T Burns 97:: 277 2,:: 149 334 .2S is »!» t. Buna 27:: J7:: 208 80S .28 • 1000 Mitchell 894 l9o 140 ISO 388 .2:: I 1001 W. OConnor 1.047 208 221 192 :IS1 .24 ■ 1002 Ranch !♦•*• 270 205 1SI 407 .20 1003 Culler 91S 229 ir.2 122 418 .25 1 1904 Hildebrand Lion 297 2:10 171 471 .25 I 1005 Nicol S01 221 14:; ISO 801 .20 1008 W. Miller l.."iS4 ::ss ::oo 1««» 497 .28 • 1907 W. Miller 1 .194 .:::4 220 170 404 .2S 1008 V. Powers L 0 324 204 185 547 .20 1000 Y. Cowers 704 17:". 121 114 290 .25 :1 iiilil C. Carn.r 947 2on 198 15:: 400 .20 ■ 1911 T. Koerner 813 102 133 112 4oo .20 McCahey, who stands second to Koerner in the 1911 list, rides under the management of James Fitz- i Mauaons, a man who enjoys the reputation of being especially proficient in the art of developing good jock , ■ -. kfeCahej is ttfll a lightweight and seemingly has several years of usefulness j,i the saddle before him. t Hopkins, who is third, was an apprcniiie until a tew days ago and seems to be of promising calibre. After 1 Hopkins comes Ryrae, who is under contract to * apt. 1. M. Walker, and who is an apprentice of ability j an promise. Pol lowing is a tabulation of the record of those riders who succeeded in piloting ten or moiv c inners during 1911 : , .■ . • .. x . .. . .. . .. g . g . ._ , . 1 t n S c L C h !■ A i I ** I I h 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I • I ; I , ] . ; ■ Jockev. Mis. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.C. Won. Koerner, T 813 102 1S3 112 400 .20 8,308 s McCahey 857 158 140 121 437 .18 83.191 N Hopkins 08.3 135 93 88 307 .20 37.235 _ Hvrnc 088 130 123 104 331 .19 65.925 L Molesworth 048 117 127 87 317 .18 54.754 I Mass, J 444 102 72 58 212 .23 44.404 C Ti,.ler. K :H4 98 Kl 51 134 28 18.28:1 t [joftus 572 98 100 72 302 .17 57.982 1 Taplin 502 91 92 87 289 .17 42,838 I Ki.e T 490 9.-. 81 79 238 .19 45.816 . 058 88 7S 94 ;98 .13 4S.3M G Shilling. C. H. ...208 7-. 38 2! 88 .30 51.568 G Gross, C 850 72 05 98 415 .11 28.090 I Schuttinger 494 09 80 1H 270 .14 ::2. .. J Beak. 448 OS 72 .".:; 255 .15 27.410 1 Kennedy 424 07 70 58 229 .10 40.301 S Grand, C 3 K 85 68 58 178 .18 14,205 1 B.-igen. J 372 63 50 85 194 .17 11.320 i Oilman, i: 251 82 37 30 122 .20 45.633 G Turner C 323 62 51 49 100 .19 22,008 1 Hoffman, R 456 01 si 72 241 .13 20.004 C Rants G 349 00 5S 59 172 .17 30.3H 1 Small 20i 5! 41 25 75 .29 11.110 S Wilson, J 350 58 51 00 190 .16 38,656 I Riddle -is ".8 r,:; r,4 183 .17 14,635 MeEwen E 289 -*.7 46 is 148 .19 14. 785 I Callahan. J 4s2 TC, 07 49 311 .11 20.81! Buxton 540 5.". 60 71348 .10 15.7s". I Cavanaugh 349 54 47 30 208 .15 11,330 1 Keogh -Jl 5:: "A 50 175 .17 16.170 I Denny. E 451 5:; 65 60 273 .12 16,408 Mclntyre. J 436 -.1 47 r.i 287 .12 19.71 i Archibald. J 20:: 50 30 30 9:: .25 20.7.".; i Walsh 2 ".7 ."• ::4 30 147 .19 12.644 I Garner, J 280 50 4:: 43 154 .17 22.221 1 McTaggart 44s 50 06 5:; 279 .11 2s.C2 . Warren 290 49 40 32 103 .17 10,283 1 Sweencv :: "• * 35 42 179 .16 27. it:, I Biggins 428 4! 56 71 252 .11 28,0OTi 1 Frasch 244 48 88 30 132 .19 12,425 Kirschbaum 203 40 S3 24 158 .18 12.355 I Deavenport. .1 411 40 35 4:: 2*7 .11 24.7":; II. . ward. . 1 278 4.". 38 82 102 .10 16.857 1 Gans 375 45 43 4s j.:!i .12 24.710 While. C 3S7 45 14 40 252 .12 9.747 I Kederis 368 44 51 50 217 .12 10,015 McGee, M 227 41 ".:: :a 122 .is ls.os.! 1 Jensen, E 262 41 32 :;7 14s .11; 6.120 Sddeii -"I 41 r.:: 4.". 212 .12 12.4.0 Butwell 174 40 30 17 87 .22 19.5 0 I R v 268 41 31 40 157 .1". 12.370 luckson F -Hi 4i» :;0 34 108 .13 7.201 Henry J 307 38 31 47 19 .1:; 17.312 Martin. K 142 30 88 4122:: .11 16.174 I lain. O :: ;2 38 49 45 229 .11 22.980 Anderson. F 294 ::7 32 :H180 .13 8.1s.-, Dreyer 201 87 40 :.4 154 .1:; 7.2os Knight, C 338 :;7 35 :;5 2.:2 .11 r,.e,7J Smith. E 150 38 12 S 7t .24 4.sio MclKiwell ISO 34 36 18 94 .19 8.1,.-. Fischer W 206 :.4 25 2X184 .13 7.99U 15,11 M 280 34 35 52 178 .11 17,023 Walsh, ar lis ::3 24 17 44 .28 4,650 1 Mentry 157 88 14 21 89 .21 0.780 Rosen :;"9 ;;" 4 30 208 .11 7.565 Wingneid. B ::14 38 ::7 2:1 222 .11 s.::n 1 Steele B ■•■* 33 38 5t 27.". .is 13.185 Goldstein 235 30 27 30 148 .13 20.732 Reld, J ISO 2.i 2:: 15 S3 .22 7.417 Mountain 210 29 32 41114 .13 12.788 I s N _ L I C t 1 I G G I J 1 S 1 i G 1 C 1 S I I I 1 I i i I 1 . 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.C. Won. J Smith. T 227 29 37 30 125 .13 7,435 ] McCuilough. T. ...2.;3 29 25 30 149 .12 7,663 Forehand 262 29 43 36 154 .11 11.7S5 1 Irwin 294 29 30 36 190 .10 5,545 I Cohurn 1 122 28 2S 26 40 .23 7.170 Carter, S 20! 28 25 35 121 .13 8,155 1 Koss. C 387 28 :;:, 54 280 .07 10,580 [ Iryor 173 27 23 »♦ 99 .10 3.497 Wrispen, A 2S2 27 2! 44 182 .10 8,436 Gordon, C... 379 27 42 35 275 .07 16.235 * Griffin, !•: I89 20 29 2010s .14 4.710 :l Donovan, J 207 26 35 28 118 .1:; 3.585 Nolan 204 20 20 :;.". 117 .1:: s.07o ; Hufnagel 283 26 26 37 194 .09 7.010 J Schwel.ig 118 25 ] 8 7". .21 4.710 ] Forsyth 16! 24 22 27 96 .14 7,079 Gerondo 168 24 17 24 103 .14 4,230 , Gilbert 141 23 10 18 90 .16 4,705 Rums, T. T Ill 22 19 22 51 .19 3.815 Corey 177 22 21 25 119 .12 5.145 Inses, It 162 21 is 13 110 .13 4.765 Musgrave, P 170 21 22 18 100 .12 11.500 Thomas, A 19.: 21 17 17 i::s .11 8,048 Omen 233 21 18 28 171 .00 0,140 Bruce 225 21 34 36 134 .09 6,465 Ormes, W 146 211 2i is ss .14 rairbrother 176 20 17 22 117 .11 4.900 i Bold 201 20 20 24 128 .10 0,115 Moore, J 199 20 20 27 132 .10 12.23S , Obert 204 2i 21 17 147 .10 9.844 , Barker 201 2» ar 20 ISO .1 » 4.007 , Skirviu 271 20 49 :: 172 .o7 11.257 , Culleu .7 19 15 1:; 50 .2i 4.:;:~.n 1 Pickett 121 IS 1! 1! 65 .15 2.7SII , Allen. J 187 IS 17 21131 .13 O.002 Carroll. Q. W 100 18 13 :;o .11 4,140 Dunn, W 239 18 18 21 182 .08 7.4."il lendergast 10.". 17 1:: Is 57 .1H 3.240 , Groth 1S2 17 34 2o 61 .1:: 5.705 Leeds 140 17 20 28 SI .12 4.220 Gargan, W 202 17 2:; :;:: ls:i ,06 5.070 Burton. A 292 17 25 32 218 .06 6,884 Murphy, D 06 10 6 5 38 .24 2.080 Sevan 94 10 20 11 41 .17 ::.HM Kelson. A 104 10 17 14 37 .15 3,710 Holmes, W 174 16 20 22 116 .00 2.c.7 Reynolds, S 106 l" 21 2! K 7 .09 3.430 Gould 159 15 11 19 114 .09 8,313 Bstep 20:: 15 25 27 150 .07 5,035 Pauley. B 62 14 13 1". 4 i .17 1,018 .-.ii Renschoteu .103 14 10 10 88 .13 ::.".m-ki Cotton. R 142 14 14 15 99 .11 4.520 Hanover, J 151 14 18 20 03 .00 2,805 Nicol, D 53 i:: 11 6 23 .23 5.362 Miller. C. H In. 13 4 15 6S .13 2.702 McCloskey 1:16 13 30 37 110 .07 2,453 Davis, S OS 12 7 9 :;7 .IS 5.275 lost 73 12 9 lo 42 10 2,220 Davenport 113 12 IS 10 73 .11 2 02". Stelnhardt 11! 12 11 7 si .10 1: ssj, Roland, D 58 11 5 14 JK .19 2.450 Hall 72 11 11 12 38 .15 1.181 I. oder 86 11 13 8 63 .12 3 725 ajnbrose 107 11 11 13 72 .10 205:. Taylor. W 184 11 2t 22 127 .Hi 3,415 Pickens ::.".2 II 41 41 298 .03 6,645 Rettiste 88 10 6 10 .-,7 12 1.885 M. Bride. J 88 10 l:; 8 ".7 .11 2 Matthews. A los 10 1:: Is t;7 .mi 17,11

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