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FRENCH ENCOURAGEMENT OF BREEDING. Washington, D. C. January 4. — Coincident with the general complaint of Major General Wood, of the army, and others, concerning the decline of blooded bom b owing to anti-racing track legislation. Consul "ios;. aj Paris, sends the State Department copies of regulations issued by the French Minister of Agriculture granting subsidies for stallions foaled in Prance. The action of the French government was takea to stimulate the breeding of blooded stallions. Under the regulations a premium of five per cent, of the purchase price shall be awarded to the breeder of every stallion purchased in France and used for hat parpoee of public breeding and being of the SO ek specified. This subsidy shall apply exclusively to stallions of the following breeds: Arabs. Anglo-Arabs, thorough or balf-breeds, qualified or not, and to all half-breed stallions without exception. In order to be entitled to this niwnlim the stallion must have been foali d in France.