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MARYLAND JOCKEY CLUB STOCK REDUCED. Baltimore. KM., January 4. -An amendment to the charter of tiie Maryland Jock v Club, decra it- eapital stock from 00,000 to 0,000, .as lieen received from Annapolis for record by Stephen C. Little, Clerk of the Superior Court. The original capital stock was divided into 2.000 shares of the par value of 00 each. All the shares will be called in at once, and new shares for twenty-five per cent, of them will be issued and the remaining s.-vcnly live per cent, paid in cash. The certificate stated thai this had to be done before December ~J, 1911. The reduction .as determined upon at a meeting of the stockholder- on December 27. The certificate is signed by William M. Manly, president, William P. Biggs, Charles i:. IfcLane, George c. Morrison, K dmond C. Stewart. D. Sterrett Gittings, c. Car roll loultney and A. E. Booth, n majority of the directors of the club.