City Park Track is Sold: Realty Company Buys New Orleans Race Track and Will Cut it into Building Lots, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-12


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CITY PARK TRACK IS SOLD. Realty Company Buys New Orleans Race Track and Will Cut It Into Building Lots. New Orleans, La., January 11. — The last hope for ■ resumption r racing here teems to have- gone | hie no i ing with the sal.- of City Park race trae-k. ii which Kd rorrigan was ■ prime factor, to the iii Park Bealtj Company, capitalised at 00,000. li ".ill be converted inte a residential park and • at Into building lot-. There had been lingering hope- thai racing would lie revived here, but this sale Is taken to mean the enei of tin iii. George l . Priedrichs purchased the properly wveral months ago for 9263.375. Hi bat now sold to the Cltj Park K-nl i v Company, of which 8. T. Woodring, of Lake Charles, La., president and general manager of the Calcasieu Long Leaf Lumber. Co.. is president, and James W. Gardiner, clerk • ■I court of Calcasieu Parish, is vice-president. Mr. Gardiner made- ins money in tin- Vinton « «i I tie-ids. Iielug among the tirst to strike- it rich. Mr. Wood- _-ii in Louisiana lumber, Loeis D. Lagarde In -ii-i, tsry. 1 i .in the fait that Mr. Lagarde, Mr. Friedrlebs and other New Orleans men an- connected with the new concern, it is Inferred thej siiii have an interest " la I he or ipi rtj .

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Local Identifier: drf1912011201_1_3
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