John Dyment at Deaths Door, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-12


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JOHN DYMENT AT DEATHS DOOR. Toronto, Oat., January 11. John Dyment. of Barrie, this province, i~ criticallj ill at his hemic one huiielie-d nulls north of hire, and is not expected to live until tomorrow. With his uncles. Siiuond ami Alberl Dyment, he is the owner of the Brook dale siat.;. and ■; es his own training. He had an ■poplectb s-iziire and todaj lie attendant specialists as that ■ clol has formed on the brain. His father, John Dyment, the elder, was a prominent breeder and owner a generation ai.-- and the mm rode man] a..- ;..r the Orkney Stable, as his fathers estab lis, men; was named. Mr. Dymenl has been proml neni in lioe-ki i . lacrosse and either s],.,rts. as well ai i: the turf, being presldenl ol the Barrie Hockey chili and ■ former member of tins executive com-■, n in- - ol the Ontario Hockey Association.

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Local Identifier: drf1912011201_1_4
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