Work-Outs of Horses at Columbia, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-12

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WORK-OUTS OF HORSES AT COLUMBIA. Columbia, s. c. January ll. — The boreeaseas ml ony at the Fair Grounds is being rapidly thinned out by departures for Charleston and within ■ day or two the local track will Ik- well night deserted. The Fair Grounds management afforded the- visiting horsemen every opportunity to lit their charges Cor the meeting at Charleston, and recently, when the track was in bad condition from the heavy rain;. they were permitted to till in the water-lump and level off a training ground in the infield. The trainers shared the 11191 net of keeping this track in good condition by the almost constant use of harrows, and as a result they hav.- seal away some fit horses-. Some of the late shipments were made up of Eel. Moores lot, Comprising Demoness. Our Nnffgct, Mai tie Kernau and two others; V. Cahill with Se Weil, Captain John, Hannah Louise. Woodlander, Argonaut, Bager, James Docker y, Sadie Shapiro, liist Aid, Benedictine and Strike out: Hugh Penny with King Avoadale, Thrifty, Third Rail. Kormak, Judge Moiick. Mindlnette, Arany and Wood Dove. Recent work-outs over the infield course: Ardri— Half mile in 58%. Coming around fast |a good form. Argonaut— Three-quarters in 1:21%. Pen Sand — Half mile in 82%. Has been working well for some time. Billy Barnes— Five-eighths in 1:00. Has all his speed and is ready. Barnej Igoi Thini inrailm in 1:21. Looks well and is ready to race to his best form. Carlisle- M. -Half mile in 52-,. Has plenty of ear I speed. Casqu. -Seven eighths m 1:34. At his best. Dora Ward -Half mile in 51. Has all her spee.l and should race well. Dust — Five eighths in 1.05--. Was gohsj along easily. Efficiency — Half mile in 51. Very speedy and ready to race well. Excalibur — Half mile in 83%. Has not been unshed to sheiw much speed. Port Worth -five-eighths in 1:08. Looks good afirr a long let-up. Footlights Three-quarters in 1:23. Coming aroucd fast to his neat form. Golden Treasure— Five-eighths In 1:05. Speedy ami ie ady to race. Glucose -Three -eighths in 9 %. Looks geod and is coming to racing form fast. Howard Shean — Thii-e-i|uarteis in 1:23. Has not been asked to show much speed, Herbert Turner— Half mile in 54. Was working under a stiff pull. Irish KM— Five-eighths in 1:0s. doing along wHl in hand. James Dockery -Half mile in 52. Shows plenty of apeed in all work. Joe Stein -Half mile in 1:98%. Kaufman Three-unarters in 1:24. Looks good, but 1 as no; been doing much. Kihli rkin Three-quarters in 1 :22. Sh. ws speed in all work. Lad] McGee Five-eighths in IKff. Shows plenty Of s| ,1 when let down. Michael Ange-lo — Three-quarters in 1:21%. Links well and works well at all limes. M like Half nilb- in 53%. Been going along si.iwlv for some time. Motberkins Three-eighths in 401.. Shows speed, hut does not Improve much. Nadzu Seven-eighths in 1:11. Was going alone eaaUy. New Star- Three qaarters in 1:21-.. Works well, but acts meanly. Prince- Ahmed Half mile- in 51%. Good work for him. Pajaroita— Half mile in 52. Has all his speed unci never looked better. Qulncy Belle -Five-eighths in 1:07. Spe-edr and ready to race. Rin- Five-eighths in 1:06%. Has keen on the slow ride for s ■ time. Richard Reed— Three-eighths in 39. Las.-ei up. .las Crump Five-eighths in 1 05%. Works along hi.- ly at all times. Sager Seven-eighths in 1:38%. Was well in hand Ill tl.e way. Seine. e H.-ili mil,- i,, r. 1 . Shows plenty of speivl in all work. Seoli Half mile in 54. Under a strong pull Thriftj Five eighths In i:i 5.,. lias all her sprnl and is r. adj . fie hloal Three-quarters in 1:22%. lias not been purihi il inui b for speed. Wai-nii Griswell Three quarters in 1:23. t his best.

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Local Identifier: drf1912011201_1_8
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