Blustery Day at Juarez: High Wind Prevents Fast Time in Races Run at Mexican Course, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-12


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BLUSTERY DAY AT JUAREZ HIGH WIND PREVENTS FAST TIME IN RACES RUN AT MEXICAN COURSE. Sona and Miss Korn Only Favorites to Score— Latter Barely Escapes Defeat by Fern L. — "Good Things" Fail to Win. El Paso. Tex., January 11. — Blustery weather Conditions had no deterrent effect on the atteudancv at Juarez this afternoon, but the high wind made ■ great difference la the running time of the races and no fast run races were recorded. PaYOrltes were 1101 particular!;, successful, Sona and Miss Bora being the only two that scored. There w ie anj number of supposed "good things" an cap. but none of them materialized, lose finishes were the rule In a majority of the races run. The fifth race resulted in a pretty contest between Miss Kan and Iern L. The latter acted as the pacemaker Until well into the stretch, where she was joined by Miss Kuril and the- pair raced ,m even terms for over ;i furlong. .lust at the end. Miss Korn. owing to the superiority of Molesworth over Hill, managed to gel a slight advantage. Upright was claimed out of the fourth race far 23 by J. T. Bobbins. Free has been placed on the schooling list owbhg to the unruly manner in which she acted today. J. Henry was suspended for ten days by the stewards for rough riding In the fourth race-! W. G. Vanke- has shipped Jupiter Joe. QaartftT master and Gilpy to Lexington, where they will Im» turned out until spring. John Lowe is n, w handling the entire stable af Joseph Sclneibi r. Jim Basey having been tamed over to him today by w. ;. Vanke.

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Local Identifier: drf1912011201_1_7
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