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. I I , i I i I i i WILL REMAIN IN KENTUCKY. Lexington. By., January 12.- It was stated P llably this afternoon that it is virtually soun-ei e;,:-t Major Poxhail A. Daingerfield, manager of .Iain.- R. ! i. - Castleton Stud and member ..; tin- Ken tncky state Racing Commission, is to have Kin,; Farm for the n.i four year--, under a sub from Clarence II. Mackay, who rocem! . rged all obligations t.- R. l.. Baker, owner of ti:- farm, bj payment of 0,600, which gives nun t;-until October SI, 1915. The agreement between Major Daingerfield an! Charles P. Hill, acting for Mr. Mackay, was reached today ami documents !• be signed tomorrow are being drafted. Major Pain gerflekl. if then- i- no miscarriage e.f plan-, will r. main in Kentucky, will reside with hi- faaaily in the beautiful dwelling at Kingston Farm, and will then k.-ep tin- thoroughbreds of James B. Keene. now at Casthton Farm, until they are finallj dbt pot d of. A portion of th.- farm i- to he sublet by Major DalngerfleUI to Gee. 0. C. Watts ..i Charleston, W. Pa., who will a am ta bit there a trol ting stud, .-.insisting of tbe stallion General* and some twenty-fire good aurea.