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TEXAS FILLIES FIGHT IT OUT. Pan Zareta Beats Truly in First Juvenile Stake Race of 1912 at Juarez Trask. Kl Pa-o. Tex., .lanuarv 1". — Ideal we.ithi t and the running of the Senoritaa Slakes for two year-old fillies attracted a large crowd to the Juares cur- yesterday eften ;. Pan Zareta. a filly by Abe Frank -Caddie Griffith, owned and bred bj .1. K. Newman ,xt Son. well-known Texas horsetn-".. won the stake in BSsnewhal hollow fashion from Truly, a sister to the great mare. Meadow, and also a product of the Lone Star stale. V.He Forty. owned by Edwin Gayiord, of Denver, secured third money. It wa- a three-testae race all the way. Volie" Forty, Pan /.aula and Truly being the eon tinders from starl to finish. Tlie best contest ,.f th,- piv-ent Beanos from a spectaeaiar point of view attended the running of the fifth race when Prank 1. Hogan. Marie Hyde and Angelus finished noses apart after running head and head for over a furlong. Plying Footsteps, tie- property of Lotta Gladstone, a well know 11 vaudeville actress, won the s.x-fur longs sprint in easy fashion. Ira ding her field most of the way by half a dozen league and -coring easel to a canter. Meddling Hannah, the favorite, made a dismal showing, failing to finish anywhere near the lnotii y. W. L Vnnke lost a valuable two-year old by oti- Bavolette and therefore a half-sister to Chester Kriim. She died yesterday from pneumonia. Wooltex, another horse in the Yanke stable, ran into the feme while Ixing t xerci-ed yesterday and win be shelved for sotae time. The horses of Charles V. Clark arrived here Saturday night from San Mateo. Cal.. in good con dition. I. hu Lowe has pun based Ceei from Beedernon and Hogaa. Hie inn roM which the citizens of Kl Paso are taking in tin- .lu.nvz track is a feature of the seas ns racing here. They have seemingly at last awakened to ll" fad tint a Winter race meeting is a big benefit ■ .1 community and they are lending siijipon 10 the racing this -awn far m excess • I the natronagi during the two previous -eat-on-. The slice,---. ..r winter ruing at Juares will lead to the building of oner tracks in Mexico and the effect- on tin countrys breeding interests will be far reaching. Barney Schreiber is one who look-for Mexico to become in a few years one of the worlds greatest thoroughbred markets. Tin- country lew needs only to settle down to a normal COS dition and n- vasl wealth in nataral resoarcea win -oon si cure its financial prosperity. Mr. Schreiber believe- this Will com.- BOOB nude- lre-ideiit Made ios administration md once confidence is restored ti.- men of wealth in Mexico, who are interested in thon oglibred !i rot - are sure t" branch out on a big scale and import Into the country the kind ■ horses that have mule the Argentine Bepublie tie-talk .f the thoroughbred breeding ami raciiu; world George If. Odoms great mar . Follie Levy, will probabl no! race until late in tin- meeting, and it may be thai -:. ■ will not again ■" seen under colors until th.- Kentucky trades en. Mr. Odesa had In have h r i.ii-i. red on the knee aboal a week ago an.:, v.; iie she la- done well under the treatment, it will I... some time before it will In- possible to work her again. Mr. OdOai has recent!] had none too good luck with hi- -table. Fireman is baring a recurren r da old foot trouble and Nimbus threatens lo Meed at any time save when the weather 1- moat Favorable. He ha- also raced in differently exeepl on ■ eaagde of occasional bete. This bin-- Mr. OdoSB "idv Toiin-t arid ti quartet of two-year-olds as prospective breadwinners. Tour 1-1 appears like the making of a useful three year-old, as he 1- possessed of a fine turn of sped ind stays well. rnfortiiiiiitely he is not In the Ken tacky Derby, C. c FaaMeter, who owned him at tin- time entries closed to that race, having nesaia ated only Robert and Dilatory in the big event. Ii Would be interesting to see how far Tourist could beat Robert and Dilatory now. Trainei .Steve Judge litis returned from California, but brought no youngster- with him. He says that . P. Spreckela has about the only bunch of two-year-oids in the vicinity of Oakland and San Francisco and thai he purposes to have the band trained ami raced, s.ine of the Spreckela youngsters are unusually promising this year, according to trainer Judge. W. H. Finer has Id Alveys noted gelding. Pink-ola. working again nicely and will send the son of Pink Coat to the post tomorrow. Knfjeld. which ■gun d in a collision with Pinkola several weeks ago. is also rounding to .and will be seen under colon within the next ten days. .T. ay. Fuller has received word fraea his farm In Texas that his speedy four year-old filly. Nettie M.nchn.oni. i- in a bad way. The filly injured a leg not long since, after being -em t,, the farm in run out until next spring, and gangrene unfortunately set in. making her case a hopeless one.