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I llMEMCM EmHES ABROAD HORSES FROM THIS COUNTRY FIGURE IN NOMINATIONS FOR ENGLISH STAKES. Harry Payne Whitney W?ll Represented in Important Races of Coming Summer — None of the Hildreth Stars Named. American nominations to the big list of stako races in Fnglaiid. which closed for entries January 2, constitute the ground for American interest in them. Ihe entry lists that have arrived in this country are mainly of the important spring and early summer handicaps, one of tin- exceptions being tin- Ascot Gold Cup. which is all t vent of weights prescribed in its conditions at 105 pounds for I line yeaf-obls. 120 pounds for four year olds and 130 pounds f« older horses, mares being allowed three pounds. The lists received are of entries lo ilie liatthyany Flat -, to be run at Lincoln. March 25; Lincolnshire Hand; cap. at Lincoln. March 20; Liverpool Spring Cup at Liverpool. March 28; Nottingham Spring Handicap. at Nottingham, April 1: Queens Prize Handicap, at Kempton Park, April N: .Newbury Spring Cup at Newbury. April IS; Doveridge Handicap, at Derby. April Id: Great .Metropolitan Handicap, at Bnoom, April 23; City and Suburban Handicap, at Epsom, April 24; Kshor Cup. at Sandown Park, April 30; Kempton Park Great Jubilee Handicap, at Kempton Park. May 11: Victoria Cup. at Hurst Park, MOT 28; Cor .nation Cup at Fpsoin, June 0: and Gobi Cup. at Ascot. June 20. Many other stake races closed at the same time for two-year-olds to which the Dominations of Americaa-breda were numerous, but the lists have not as yet arrived. Taking the events in their order of running, tic nominations of American-bred horses by American and English owners begins with the Batthyaey Plate at live furlongs. Which will be run on the first ■ lay of the English tlat racing si ason and to which Matinee. Furrow and Itasliti have been nominated by II. I*. Whitney. Riinnyuiede. by S. T. Cr-.-t; Bobbin, by R. Wootton; Leapedeaa, by T. A. Edgv: Sandwich, by A. Belmont, and Franconi, by J. It. Keene. Duly four American horses are in the more important Lincolnshire Handicap at a mile, being W. II. Fwarts brown colt Toiler, bv Slavo-Phida. 11. T. Medcalfes New Castle, by Mrddlrr flttm. spuu: F. T. Pattersons Spiked, by Meddler — Inn-tire, and 11. de Conrcey Forbes Mr. Peeper, by Meddler — Admiration, the latter being the only three-year-old i:i the race and winner last year of th" BrockleaLy Stakes over the -aim- track. August Belmonts Merry Task and L. Win ins Adam Bed • and Ihe Spy are in the Liverpool Spring Cup at a mile and three eighth-. A. C. loannou I Duke of Sparta II. date Donnea Moi and A. Beiaaoats Marry Task are in the Nottingham Spring Baadl cap at a mile: Duke of Sparta II. and L. Win an- Dalmation. Adam Rede and The Spy are the Americans in tbe Kempton Park Queens Prize at a mile and a half, and lb" .Newbury Spring Cup at a mile has Mr. Winans Sir Martin and G. Bdwardes Mate-lot. In tiie Doveridge Handicap at a mile arc W. H. Bwarti Toiler. H. P. Whitneys Borrow, F. i. Palters, ns Spiked. I,. Winan- The Spy and 1. N.-lk. .s Oversight. L. Winans Dalmatian and Mrs. F. Watts Selectman are the only American Borees In the Metropolitan Handicap at two miles and a quarter ami lxith are stayers. Selectman has been showing great form of late in hurdle racing and is probably now the best horse in England as ■ hurdler. Only L. Winans" Sir Martin and The Spy represi nf us In Unimportant City and Suburban Handicap at a mile and a quarter. The Kshor Cup is a handicap at a mile for three-year olds exclusively with a big entry list, but only three Americaa-bredi are entered, II. P. Whitneys I landers. P. Neikes Outram and II. de Coarcey Forbes Mr. Peeper. The .sI.ihmi Kemp ton Park Great Jubilee Handicap at a mile and a quarter is Englands richest handicap ami has secured the nominations ,,f n. p. Whitneys fast horse Whisk Broom. A. C. loannous Duke of Sparta II.. L. Winans" sir Martin. Adam Bade and The sp. A. Belmonts Merry I ask M!l,i i. bj, Keenes maiden three-year-old Castleton. Tiie Victoria Cup is ■ dash of seven furlongs and ii deems surprising thai such fast bones a- Iron Mask ami Runnymedc wen not nominated. However, H. P. Whitneys Whisk p.n ami Borrow. W. II. Bwarti roller, L. Winans- sir Martin, l:. T. Pattersons Spiked ami James R. Koines Havel... k ami Franconi arc candidates. Sir Martin and Castleton are the American bones in the Coronation Cup at a inib- and a. half, which sir Martin won in 1910. Castleton is the solitary American bud in ihe Ascot Gold Cup at two miles and a half. Notwithstanding all that has been printed aboit the intended campaign of the Hildreth-Kohler bones in England, not me of them has been mtered in these Importanl races ami it is iiitiicui! to imagine that such horses :s Pita Herbert Novelty, / • i-aad Puggina are to be seat to Bnglaad for a cam paign as celling platers in the equivalent « r oar overnight dosing purses, of course, ii may u-Intended In good faith to -do;, them across and not race them until next autumn in events to which they can be nominated in the coming summer. Such a coins., is feasible, but costly, an! ot d oful sagacity. A- an alternative it i- not now difficult to imagine that next summer may again Bad them campaigning over the Canadian tracks.