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k I i m is la s . i • t - P .t . e Is s ■ • e it i d VAN BENSCH0TEN TO RIDE ABROAD. New Turk, Juaaarj 18. Providing the Jockey club grants a license, jockey Georgi Yan Benscboten will sail i"i i.ii .;• - "ii with .lame- H. McCormtck to ride the bones of Baron Oppenbelm in German] tl Is year. Van Benscboten was under contract to Max Hlrsch, a trainer, who agreed to pay a salarj "t 5 a month t-.: five yeara. Tin- boy charged ill treatment am! a suit to annul th ntract wall brought bj Royal B. T. Bigg* in tbe Orphans Court, Baltimore. The oourt decided in the Jockeys favor and the Jockey Club wai served with notice of this, together with a request tor a license, Meanwhile Mr. Hlrsch expressed a willingness to compromise, ami :.- such a move meant a contract with Mr. McCormick tie- matter has beer, fixed up. Mr. Hlrsch paid. 13 to Van Benacboten and form all] released all claim to hi.- services. Van Ben scboten, through Mr. Rigga, In- guardian, then signed a contract to ride tor Far ipponhiui at 00 a III nth. with the privilege of accepting OUt- side engagements. The granting of the J . k. bibs llc-ii-i- i- regarded as a certainty, ir. McCormick. who has scored a big success on the German turf and has fifty six horses in lii-care, will assign all the lightweight riding to Van Benscboten. while the heavier riders In hi- employ, G. Archibald and T. Rice, will be kept equally busy. I Van Be n at hot ea. who is fifteen yean old, will live with Mr. McCormick at the hitters training uaar-tets in Cologne. The boy is supporting a small -i-ii r, who will l.e sent to sebool in Brooklyn.