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ENTRIES TO GREAT ENGLISH HANDICAPS. ••The entries for the principal spring baadicapa m were published in yesterdays Racing Calendar." Ij.h.i.u Sporting Life of January ". "and though 1 they iboa a slight falling off numerically, class is la well represented The Lincolnshire Handicap has s secured ti subscribers sp Inst • ; 4 twelve months ago, . Hi,- city an-i Suburban -:i against . Kempton Jubl i lei Stakes 35 against 39. Ascot Gold t up -11 agalusl • t 17. Great Metropolitan Stak- 4.1 against 48. Kemp-Ion - Queens Prlas 43 against MS, Ooronatloa Cup P 23 against ."i. ami Liverpool Spring Cup .il ■ gainst .t ■"lb.- •Lincoln entry i- th- -niailet shire ;si7. . when it numbered 11. By reason ot it being the e tirM hie race of the season, tin- Carbolme .-vent Is s always sa attractive theme in the early part of tbe ■ • your, ami to Judge bj the class of the entry on the e present 1 ■casion ii promises to provide a contest it quite worth] ol [tasl tradtl -. it i- always Inter-eating to know how many three-year-olds are ea i tend In re, and it is di.-liui tl. disap|Kiintili« to Und d i j ! J 1 , a I , | , , ; ; : ,. that on tbe present occasion only one is nominated namely. Mr. Peeper. "A- usual, ■ci:,-- is well represented in the City and Suburban, the entry for which popular handicap includes Mushroom ami Demoatheaes which finished respectively first and second la-l year. Ultimo! i Manchester November Handicap winner. Hornets Beauty, Sir Mm tin. Meseato, The story. Bunspot. Lycaon. CeUlai, Treplda Duke of Torb; Stakes ami Uverpool Autumn Cap winnen. Lonawnnd. St. Nat and Aacbora. A promineat absentee from this race i- Hean Swill. "Ba -helori Double, which effected a surprise la the Kempton Jubilee Handicap last year, has been retired to the stud, but Wolfe Laud and The Story. which finished lecoad and third, can aixaiii do duty next May. flic Story, it will he remembered, start.., a lot favorite twelve months ago. but J. It. Joel has also put in Sun-pot and Lycaon. "Fot the Jubilee Stakes prominent ertrys are Royal Tender. Whisk Broom, Wolfe Lead, The Story. Lycaon. Duke Of Sparta II. better known a- Don nea-mol, Hornet- Beauty, Muatapha which was recently bought for 2,400 guineas by a well-known u;rf commission agouti. Merry Task. Mushroom. Greenback, Cylllus, Lonawand, Trepida, 1ltimus and Protestant Roy. •iin a -i"! Gold Cup entry is au exceedingly fine one. ami embraces -uch celebrities a- Lemberg, While star. Prince Palatine, Cherimoya last years sensational oaks heroine, Btedfast, King William. Wlllaura recently purchased by Lord Derby for ::. »Hi gnineas. Mushroom, Charles OMalley, Bron zino .mil Kilbroney. "The ei-hts ale due for the spring handicap-on January 2.", and the acceptance* a week later."