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, * + WELCOME NEWS FROM CANADA FOR HORSEMEN ■*, + Toron;o. Out.. January SaV— The first sti ke annouiiceinent for the Canadian season of 1012 is most encouraging, inasmuch as it emphasizes tiie upward tendency of Offerhnga for horsemen. The conditions of the Kings Plate for this year were given out tcxlny by the Ontario Jockey Cluh and show an Increase of .MM in the added money, the cluh now c.fleiin SS.0O0. The winner will receive the Kinds tifty guineas, a piece • plate and ,500. tie second horse . hi and the third horse 00, while $..! i will go to the breeder of the ■nil,-, entries will close March 1 and the race, one mile and a quarter, will lie run May 18. The Stanley Inxluoe Stakes, which will also ctose March 1. has been Increased *1. »MI and n.cvv has .,,or, added. This i- a futurity stake open to the world, with nominations to run as three year-old* in l!ll." . The Canadian-bred stakes, the breeders and Maple Leaf, both to he run next year, have lieen increased • ."e Ki each and now have 91.500 added. An all-round increase of parse* i- anticipated on the Canadian cir i nit this season and it is generally understood that the Ontario Jockey Cluh means to eventually make the Kinds Plate a *1 .ooo race.