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VISITORS ARE FLOCKING IN NUMEROUS ARRIVALS FROM NORTH SWELL ATTENDANCE AT PALMETTO PARK. T. M. Green Wins at First Asking in Chief Race of Day — Pink Lady Takes Purse in Juvenile Contest — Gossip from South Carolina Track. Charleston. S. C. January 20. — An inlbix of visitors from the north during the- past thirty six hours accounted for a big Improvement in todays attendance- at Palmetto Iark. :uul prospects fat con tinually increasing patronage seem good, as every arriving train and steamer is adding to the visitors here. Tin- racing was the liest witnessed so far during the meeting, and BOUM Of the- better eliss of horses made an appearance. The Opening dash, ill which baby racer* took part, was a thriller thr nigh out, victory Anally going to G. V. J. Dlssells Iink Lady, which had acquitted herself creditably in a former essay. Her margin this afternoon was a small one. Miss Edith took s-t mil place from Cedar Green. Most of the starters raced greenly nn I will show to better advantage with additional racing experience. Favorites and second choices took all tin- purses and their successes caused the fourteen layer- . tensive losses. T. M. Oreen. making his tirst start this season, came home in the feature race in ad raaee of Bpoha and Mesoana. T. M. Greens per feci mance. considering that it was his tirst start in a long time, was a sparkler and insures that be- will be a factor in the sprinting dashes at Palmetto Dark. Al Mailer made ameada for his defeat on Saturday by leading his opponent* today in easy fashion and winning as his rider pleased. Silas Orutnp. on which Iliitwel! had the mount on the opening day. when he was pulled up almost to a standstill on the stretch turn, ran to bis best form under Falrbrotbera roiling ride and upset calculations of the- smart set by lasting to beat Cheer Ip. Emperor William, by taking the- closing clash, came in for the distinction of being the first double winner of the meeting, having previously ■cored last Saturday. The- opening gun in tin- legislative skirmish U expected to be tired in the Senate tonight at Columbia when tbe racing bill is slated to come up for its third reading. The racing interests are ss premely confident that the bill in its present shape will fall to nass and it is more than probable that legislation of any kind adverse to racing will not be successful during this term of the- Legislature. Captain Duhaine of the Iir.kortoii forces today arrested a gang of tirst past-thc post men and quick punishment was handed out by one of tbe local judges, who sentenced those arrested to from sixty to ninety clays in the county jail. The men arrested gave then names as V. Bennett and C. Kelly of Baltimore, Mel., V. M. Carroll of Louisville and "Kid" I.urns of New York. A couple of telescopes and other paraphernalia were taken with the gang. They operated from a telephone located in a lumber yard about half a mile from the track and it is said were working through a New York cnniK-ction. They were arrested at three- oclock ami by four oclock Dennett anil Carroll were sentenced to sixty days each and IVurns and Kelly for ninety days each. Hums was arrested at Marlhoro on a similar charge last fall. Nathan Frank, who left Charleston after the fir-r poatpoaesaeal was announced, returned from New-York this morning and will remain for the rest of the winter. Hugh Denny arrived from Columbia with W. I. Austins string. Jockey Hell, who hit tor Toronto at the conclusion of the Columbia meeting, arrived here today. Dell is under contract to Mr. Denny. as is also jockey Olsen. A large- force- c f men is still at work regiading tbe track. When completed it will slope- toward the outside and inner rail, which will insure splendid drainage when the wet season sets in. Mayor Orae-e was among the visitors at Dalmett o Dark this afternoon. He was delighted with the ■port and gave it his stamp of approval. The management has decided to set apart Thursday as ladies day. It will be the tirst of these" occasion* during the meeting and they urfll In- weekly occurrences from mew to the- end of tin- racing season in Charleston. The hook which formerly operated in the enclosure set apart for colored patrons was tran-fern 1 to th.-big ring this afternoon. Jockey Willie Hopkins was forced to cancel his engagements this sfternooa. The lad was taken sick this morning, but probably will lie- about again tomorrow. It i- -ahi that Herman Duryea is making an effort tee purchas • Hopkins contract and Hopkins may join Jack Joyner in Kngland. Eddie Dugaa had bis tirst mount of the meeting on M. Camhoii. OSM of the starters in tin- se.-oucl race. Incidentally it was ihe tirst horse- t.i carry tiie colors of Richard F. Carman at Palmetto Iark. Zi.-nap. which finished third in the fifth race, pulbd up lame and tralaer V. Brook* proaounced her broker, down, which mean* that she will probably he- retired to the stud. Horse. 111 n and rn ing re speeded generously to a subscription for Ibe beaefll of j.s-ke a. Bartons parents and a handsome amount will lee forwarded to the-ni withiri -c few .! ys. .T. W. Hceirick probably will put s;r Edward. which be ree.-ntiy purchased from j. B. Sheldon, at steeplechastag.