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ARRANGING FOR SPORTSMENS DINNER. New York. January 20. —Announcement i« made by Harry w. Smith, master of th- craft. en bounds, that tin- se-c-on-I annual sportsmen* dinner will l»-given Monday. Februarj 19, in tin- Astor gallery of the Waldorf-Astoria. Invitation* are to be Beat out shortly to preeminent sportsmen of the north. east, south and Th.- horse will be the central figure of the re-union, a- u w i- la-t vet!-. The dinner is a gathering of breeders, owner-. amateur riders and driver-, army officers, horse show officials, exhibitor* and horse fancier* generally, and i- expected to he the- greatest a-- mblage of th",- kind c-ve-r seen in New Torn.. Tin- year quarters bars been engage-.! for two days -it th. Waldorf-Astoria, so that beorsemen and sportsmen can e-i together ami visit with one another without tin rush which featured tin- dinner of 1911.