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FORMER RACING OFFICIAL DEAD. Nc-v Y-.rk. January 2!i. Alzamora II. Itattershr. for in .re than t • nt year* treasurer ami general manager of the Brighton De-ac-ii Baring As* iatlon, died resterday of diabetes at his borne. Avenue *i and East Nineteenth -tr.-.t. l.i klya. He was leoru ill 1lste-r County, -iU four .wars ago, and s,,„i after coining tie Neu Tork as ■ young ma::, he icst.-,| in racing. I!.- associated himself uitii William Eageman, » developed the- Hrigiituji Beach race- track int.. one of the greatest in tbe country. Mr. Battersby. who wa* more- Minn »ix feet iu height an.l weighed more than ."..ii pounds, wa- a must popular racing official.