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— TWENTY-FIVE BREEDERS SIGN PETITION. , Request for More Two-Year-01d Races Forwarded from Blue Grass Region. Lexington, Ky.. Febraary 10. — Watteraon Bho-walters petition- to the Juarei and Charleston track managers for an Increase io the number of races for two-year eld- at th winter meetings were for warded from in n today. The signers numbered about twenty live. and. they, for the most pari, were breeders who are apparently desperate enough t- en dorse anything that may have a tendency to Increase tin- ralue ol the young thoroughbreds they have oa hand at tie present time. In the better days ol racing, it would have heen next to laapossible to se cure half a do/en signatures In ail Kentucky to such a document, ir would have been accounted disgraceful. It is to he hoped that turfmen in England, Frame. Germany, Austria, Belgium, Russia. Aus Iralia and South America, when jt i- well into the summer before any two-year-olds appear at the start ins post, will understand that the Showalter petl lion does not represent the normal sentiment Of the turf in tiiis country. There has heen some talk that the Showalter petition was Inspired by a trainer sou nt Jnarei who has nearly all two-year-olds in Ids string. John A. He.idley. of this city, who is iu Australia under a contract for three year- as trainer for th Allendale Stock Farm, located at Mentone. near M I-lioiirne. uriies to a friend here of the trip down in November with thd hoises of Andrew Bobertaoa and Dr. Maurice Leach, as follows: "We arrived here safe and sound after thirty-four days at aea. We had a tine trip and the time passed quickly. The i. r-i - -hipped in grand shape and look fate. Th ■ stallions Malagas. Planudea and Tne Scribe look "•ii per cent, better than he day they went ahoi ,1 lie l.o.ii ,:i Sin Francisco. 1 will start breaking tin- young ones tomorrow December 24. and then turn them out for about cijxht weeks. Mr. Bobert--on was sick on the boat during the last ten I.a.vs ■ I tin trip and he is only iust now oul -if his bed. Dr. Leach, however, is in excellent health. The see pie are quite taken with a black yearling tilly that In- owns. It i- the half sisier to Fassentier. hy St. Avonicus — Crail. 1 think he will gel a hi;; price for kef if be I -cities that he will sell. I heard a Baa, who I am told is one of the heaviest bettors here, tell him that he could send the tilly to his place at l,i- own price. •T neve:- saw so many horses in one place in my life as in the vicinity of Melbourne. II seems as if everybody lure who is counted as anybody has at least ne I-,, me. The people an- good sports ami will l*t their money on a pood race, and they have plenty of pood r. c s. I do not know just how many race Hack- there are in the neighborhood of Mel bourne, hut the landscape is dotted with them. There are three tracks, all big. tine ones, within two miles ,f this farm. Saturday i the his raring day here. Every owner, it seems, wants to si url something oa that day and fields of twent v horses are quite common. I have already seen aa many aa thirty-four tunning in a race. ••Tin- cii.v of Melbourne i- a fine, up-to-date place With plenty Of park- and -ea leaches. l! is uii.l-sumraer hen- and the people are in the open hy the thousands every day and evening. I like the place immensely. "According to the papers here. Irvine IT. Wheat-crofts shipment of thoroughbreds from Lexington arrived in Sydney with the loss of nine bead. 1 am told that he was unfortunate iu having a pooriv ventilated boat am! that the h.irses wen- quartered be tween decks where it was exceedingly hot. Pbe Wheatcroft hones are to lx- -old at Sydney. Man-fa 15, and I tnar that lie intends to quit the turf entirely." Tlie weather in central Kentucky has heen extra ordinarily old ihe past week, bat there are no report- of suffering "r loss of foal- on the breeding farms. Training operations at tin- Kentuck] Asso ciattou track, where lot; hones are quartered, are ; forward quite satisfactorily. Tin racers are beug galloped daily through the snow and they arc all apparently doing famou-iy. "1 havent a sick or ailing horse iu my sirine; ol sixteen. said Thomas c. Mellow ell yesterday morn Ing, "and ! have not heard of a -iek one al the track. lie Msnagei lia- wintered excellently and i-iii grand shape. He na- broadened eonslderabl] and i- :i much stouter horse than lie was in 1911. Wallet Brater, who has thirteen horses in training, ,i. that he never -aw a horse improve like Sm Blaise has. Thi- -ii of l.i-sak i- owned by It. F. tiuthrle, of Sbelbyville. and he is a candidate tor the Kentucky Derby. Tin- two-year-old half-sister to sir Blaise, a hay tilly by Yankee Hun — The Pet, has been named Maria C. Mr. Grater is we I pi east d with her. William McDaniel his taken up He Airy. Artesian and Odoaa. belonging to CoL W. E. Applegate. They have been running oul since last fall. The latest addition to the stable of s. k. Hughes is tie Kentucky Derby candidate, Kenneth 1.. be longing to John II. Morris, the master ••: Belle Ait Farm. The tir-t teal of Hi.- -ea- n a: lhoina- Piatts farm i- a chestnut colt hy Marathon — Lunette, tie- dam of Imprudent. The youngster arrived la-t Tuesdaj and i- tin- property of -i. B. Bespesa, of Cincinnati, whose stalltopa Dick Well-- and Marathon and a laid of twenty live broodmares are quartered al the farms ol Messrs. Carr and Piatt. Carl Goldweln, a Berlin turfman, accompanied t,j Kmil Jacobson, a New York Interpreter, arrived here last night. Be want- to buy a conpie of carload f thoroughbred horses for export. He stipulates tl I the] niii-t have wen at least one race, or have hen a- good a- second, and he wants nothing under font years old or ver -i yean old. Ben Brush i- not to be at Hartland Stud this -■ ,-..i. James B. Ket ne having cancelled hi- leasi I • Johnson N. tamden. Tin- latter, however, nt to havi iie seasons to the -on if Bramble. Mint cake haa a bay ally bj Peti Pan a. i ; ai two Illy foals ai EHerslie stud hy Cell ate from An • idam of Blllle Hibbs and Sister Anna dam of Pngglnsi. Mi-- i :ui. ile id. tin oi Republican, has beea pur .na-..: from John i:. Madden hy O. D. Wilson.