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, OUTLOOK JS EXTRA GOOD CONDITIONS EXCEEDINGLY PROMISING FOR SUCCESS 0E PALMETTO PARK MEETING. Past Week Has Brought Vast Improvement in All Depaitments of the Sport — Disagreeable Weather Affects Yesterdays Attendance. Charleston, s. c. Febraary 10.— The all-around Improvemenl iu racing conditions at Palmetto Park during the past week waa a eoarce of wonder to tin many followers of the sport here. It was not thought likely thai the bet! rment, if it did conic, would a, .-ike Itself felt until well along towards the end of this month. The boom began on Saturday a-i. when ;i surprisingly large attendance was ai the track, and thi-. loo. in -pin- ,,r cold weather for iiii section of the country. Since then the at tendanc haa -t. idllj Increased ami marked activi v ! ; : revelled in the betting ring. Additional m rivals an- bound to keep conditions Improving and it begins to loo!, as if greater success w mid he scored here than a; Jacksonville. Local Interest in the ■port is constantly increasing ami as long as the racing is of high character, ihe better element of i barlestona citixens will continue their patronage. Aside from the 11. O. Bedwell stable, ■ of the large establishments that, wen- expected to cut a wide swath have figured much in tin- results. Tiiis particularly true of the 11. I. Carman sin,.. The horses racing in tlie white ami blue do not n to he at their best, although reports from Aiken, win re they wintered, were roseate. Several of the horses have been hacked for "good things" and rac I disappointingly. That there will he a break in to Carman luck before long i- regarded as certain, for many of the horses in the String are of high class. W. ;. Tanke join ,i tin- ranks of the layer.- soon after his arrival here from Juares, an 1 has sii.c been sin. wing the way to Ihe others. He has I-.--a disinclined to talk on what caused his hasty resolve to quit Juarez. Mexico City, according to Mr. Yanke, could be mad ■ possible a- ■ racing point. hut the citizens there will tii-i have Io he educated to the spoil. Of those two-year-Olds that have heen seen in action here up to date nothing startling can he ex pected. unless they Improve wonderfully. On the whole, tiny seemingrj are ol average class and hardly likely to he M-rious actors in competition with tin- bettor youngsters thai an- still under cover, of this,- that have heen seen under colors. Southern Shore. Etbelburg II.. Sphelki. Vanderen. High Star. Hilly Holder, and Nash Cash are regarded as the most promlsj i . The horses of 1.. I. Doerboefer, a popular young LouisrilU owner, are -till la bad form ami have proven a huge disappointnrerfi to th. p.- many followers. The stars of ihe Stable have not heen seen m action up lo Ihe present, as trainer West has not had tin- opportunity to bring them to racing condition. Tiny are gradually rounding into form and i; would not be surprising if they figured prominently before long. Mr. lie rl oef r paid fancy prices at the Lexington fall sale- for some of the yearlings -,i fered. and according to report sou* of the Juveniles have shown fast trials and are expected to make good when they get racing wise. Weather conditions could hardly have beea more disagreeable than these which prevailed here this afternoon, and only tin- regulars braved the elements to he in attendance at Palmetto Park. A slump li, patronage waa Inevitable under the clrcuaastances, bttt at thai a respectable stsed gathering waa oa hand. Lnder normal conditions a banner erowd would probably nave heen out. foe the card was the most pretentious yel offered and was made up of -von race-, of which the Charleston Hotel Hand! cap. at on:- mile, wiih the best horses at the course as starters, served a- the feature. Ii resulted in a rattling contest, with the favorite ami tip weight. High Private, finishing nrst h -s than a length fire Meridian, tie- second choice. High Privates showing w.i- exceptionally good, as be waa kept en hi- toes throughout. Meridian carried him along at a fast .-lip ;or th" lir-i -even furlongs, hut tin- Walnwrlght racer was not to be denied, ami under Koerners hard urging, steadily wore down Insi , ,1 - Kentucky l rbj w Inner. Ail die contests were Interesting and the small fields afforded opportunity for confident speculation. Favorites fared fairlj w II. five of them ace iftng for purses. The chief disappointment daring the afternoon waa Dotutu, which succumbed to si ir OByan, after he had led the winner to tin- la-r -i teenth. Roebuck was the longest priced winner during the day and found extensive support among the smart set. Cedar Brook graduated from the maiden ranks when be easily led to .he finish eight other juvenile- in the opening dash. Efficiency, held at a ahorl price, bad t . i„- lend ridden to head Hearthstone. a brother to Highball, that was at hum odds. Lewis won another purse for the Catesby Woodford establishment and Inion Jack proved best of the ordinary s thai furnished the contest In the Off i. .f. M. Van Orden, of Newark, . -I.. was :. visitor :.t Palmetto Park thi- afternoon. Mr. Van Orden i.e.- under tin- d course of Mr. Karle ami bis horses are trained by Con l.--igliton. Jockey h. Martin tods] signed a contract giving first call on hi- services daring the Palmetto Park meeting to W. F. Scbalte. Phe management hen haa reduced some of the purses. Tli,. amounts added to tin- i.e.- for the poorer grade ..f !• irses will in future be 00 an.1 . .;".". i hen- v., II be iwo purses of .-•.too and one of s.".o i daily. one oi the amendments made by the Senate Jinli-ctarj committee to the anti-betting lull under consideration .. Columbia provides that n ■oeeeding tor an Injunction shall i.e bad until a person shall have been held to bail or Indicted hy a grand jury under ihe proi islons ..| the ad. Some of the best trial- iiii- morning at Palaaetto Park were: American Girl Half mile in r.1 . Bad V ws II Three iiuarters in 1:1! . Bonnie Blorse- Half mile in SO. Camellia - Five eighths in 1 :i».;J-.. fampeon line, quarters iu 1.17-,. i -■ irj Three eighths in 30. i ming Coon Half mile in 49%. I 1 1 Worth Half mile in 62. i I .in- en Hslf mil.- ,,, r,o. •I. C. c Tine, quarters in 1:10. J i k Eltb Half mile In .".-. .1. nny Oeddes Half mile in 51. Ladj Irra II i I mile iu 51. La Mexican Tnree-quartera la 1:10*4. Mama lohnson Tin-, eighths in 38 Mark . Mayer Hair mile in 50. Nick Vklu Ih. i :;T. Qu -ii .ii Mark Half mile in 51. Republics ii I i . e-i. ii lers in 1 : IT i . Ri -. burg II. Mile in 1 10. Uv.- Snaw Three-quarters In 1:3ft, Sam i: ii,;. Fh ■ Igbths In ■ . Sea Cliff 1 line quarters in 1 17--.. s. Clei . quartet - n 117-.. Star Rose Thre, quarters In 1 .17... Sin f.ii Tl ■ iiuarters in 1 : 10. Swarfs Hi1! Half mile iu 50. sv Ivesi n- I bi ■ ■ ■ quart rs In 1:15 Tlllies Nightmare -Half mile in 52. Tom lv Ing Thr e quai ters In 1:18, Vorkviile— Thiee-i -igbth- in SB,