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WORK-OUTS OF CHARLESTON HORSES. Charleston. S. C. March 28. -Recent work outs of horses in training at Palaaetto Park were as toll.. us; Weather dear; track fast-Aspirin Half mile in .",::. Has not been doing much fast woik. Berkeley— Five-eighths in l:ot. Was going alonir well in hand. Billy Ilold.-r— Half mile in T,o:u. Shows speed iu all his work when let down. Ronnie Eloise— Half mile in 52. Shows plenty of speed in all her work. I.i. — an Sevn eighths in 1:35%. Has a fair turn of spe.-d. Choptauk — Seven-eighths in 1:34%. Coming around nicely to his good form. Oaago— Three-quarters m l :Ll*. Has lioen on the Slow side for sonn time. Corinth — Halt mil- in -V.. Looks good and WOtkS well. Dick Me-- Five eighths in 1:04%. shows aaaae spe.-d in -ill his work. Dust- Five eighths in 1:05. Eased up. Emerald Isle— Half mile in 52%. Footlights Seven-eighths is 1:35. Has bee* going along well in hard in all work. Ohacoae -Three-quarters in 1:21. Shows Improve- lie at. Gold tap-Half mile in 53. Has plenty .-f sped and is ready. Hannah Louise— Half mile in YJK. Has been on the slow- side t.r some time. II. -n. lis Seven-eighths in 1:34%. Coming around fast J. c. Core— Three-quarters in 1:21%. Has been It . improvement. Jacobite Half mile In ."!. Holds all his early speed and w n r ks k -,i better. Kiag Dixon Three-quarters in 1 :ll". I. a l Mexican Three-quarters iu 1:23. Was work ing und.-r a stiff pull. Lighthouse Seven-eightha in 1:38%. Lisapet Hah mil.- in 51%. Extra good work for lllls one. Mai-, nun Half mile iii 53. II. is bi-.-n on the -!• m for aoaae tlase. Moaltor Half mile In 54. Mj ;ai Mile In 1:49%. Was working along in an easy manner. Pocotallgo- Five-eighths in 1:94. Has not bees asked to show mnch speed lately. li. lead mile in 53%. Based up. Bamaiaa Tbrei quarters In l«24. I nder ■ pull. Rose Laaarence -Three-quarters in 1 :L::. Ha- been golnjC along sloa Ij i-i - time. Smirk Seven-eiahtha in 1 ::;!-.. Has bees ahoa in. i] work for aome time. Slue Half mil.- in 58. Was going along under a pull. Sticker Half mil.- in 52%. Has not heea asked I., show much fast w-.rk. Western Belle Three-quarters in 1:22%. Looki al ;. i a short let-up. Willi- Half mile in :..M..