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MANY HORSES FOR COEUR DALENE. Oeawi dAlene. Idaho, March tft. — Frank W. Smith. Secretary of the Coeor dAlene Fair and Baring As soctatlon, predicts that the SB-days meeting which Will - - j ..-ii at the Alan track on April 27. will be the I • i -■ si end beat meeting ever held in the North west. Already 250 horses are quartered at the Alan track end reservation* have been mad. tec 4 Hi in. i . r the horses still t. arrive, fifty will conic from Vancouver, twenty Ive from Calgary, tifty from Lewkton, sad tweetj ive tram the Fan- Association track at Spokane. The Juarez contingent will l o i !■•■ ially str"ng. owners who mend at the Mexican and who have made .-tunes for the Coeur dAlene stakes Include Wade McLea .re. v. h. Ptser, .1 r. Perries, .1. F. Newman, II. IfeDanlel. 1 Qaylord sad .. H. Keeae, besides maaj others of less prominence. Secretary Smith estimates that not less than 7"hi horses will he here when the meet ing opens.