Answers To Queries., Daily Racing Form, 1912-06-30


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ANSWERS TO QUERIES I Communications without names and addresses will not be noticed nor answered No answers will willbe be sent by mail and none by wire unless reply pre ¬ payment is made at time of wiring query C M St Louis Mo The way the bet was written it was a draw there being no such horse as Ilgoo IlgooS S N Cleveland O The Vancouver Lagoon and Butte tracks are mile tracks The Tulsa track is a half mile mileR R C Grand Ilaplds Mich The bet was that three named horses would win One lost and that lost the bet The prices had nothing to do with the matter matterJ J C G Indianapolis Ind The place parlay on Sam Barber and Mereiirium won as a single place bet on Sam Barber being void on Mercnrlum because there was no separate place price against the latter latterM M D South Bend Ind A bet being a matter of mutual agreement a layer has the right to make any conditions he pleases and If the backer being In ¬ formed of the condition or conditions makes a wager he does It subject thereto

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