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2 XX SPECIAL SPECIALgoes goes Saturday July 20 20OUR OUR LAST TWO WERE WEREEAGLE EAGLE BIRD 5 to 1 WON WONOEM OEM 3 to 1 WON WONmaking making a total of throe winners out of 5 sent out on this service since April 1 in ¬ cluding the long shot shotAVIATOR AVIATOR I2tol WON Expect another good one NEXT SATUR ¬ DAY JULY 20 DONT FAIL TO GET IT ITPRICE PRICE 200 200MONDAYS MONDAYS SPECIAL SPECIALMexico Mexico Mountain Morning Robin RobinYesterdays Speciallost Yesterdays Wire scratched and Special lost lostNATIONAL NATIONAL RACING REVIEW REVIEWRoom Room 37 143 North Dearborn Street Chicago 111