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VANCOUVER FORM CHART VANCOUVER B C July 9 Ninth day British Columbia Thoroughbred Associations Meeting of 55 days Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Judge Thomas J Wellman Starter Edward Tribe Racing Secretary Roltcrt F Leigh ton 3742 First Race 3 12 Furlongs Purse 300 2 yearolds Maidens Special Weights Net value to winner 210 second 00 third 30 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey 3040 Cal Cum 113 1 = Burlingame 3654 Jennie Newman 110 2 K Hoffman 3131 MayerdaloJennie Mayerdalo 113 SQ Schwebig Jennie Crawford 110 4 Hill Kathryne Roberts Roberts36513Satchelette 110 5 = W Gargan 36513Satchelette 110 C E McEwcn Time 25 44 Track slow 2 mutuels paid Cal Curn 340 straight 320 place 2SO show Jennie Newman 500 place 380 show Maycrdale 300 show showWinner Winner Trowbridge Officers cli c by Stem Winder Queenciip trained by C W Officer OfficerStart Start good for all but Kathryne Roberts Won easily second and third driving 3743 Second Race 3 12 Furlongs Purse 300 2 yearolds Maidens Special Weights Net value to winner 210 second 00 third 30 Ind JockeySafranor Horse Wt Fin Jockey Safranor 110 I1 C Grand 3308 Azurea 110 2 Riddle 3333 Cunalr MclntyreRuby 113 3J J Mclntyre Ruby Sun 110 415 Kelsay Kelsay330S 330S Sadie L 110 5l SioiotT 2501 Phulnana 110 C Klein KleinTime Time 25 44 Track slow 2 nmtuols paid Safranor 110 straight 1510 place 200 show Azurea 420 place 2CO show Ciinnir 240 show showWinner Winner G A Frasers br f by Ncalon Rebecca Ban trained by Pyle PyleStart Start good Won driving second and third the same 3744 Third Race 5S Mile Purse 300 3year olds and upward Soiling Net value to winner 210 second 00 third 30 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Jockey72SWilil 72SWilil Bear 107 Il W Gargan Gargan37342Bucolic 37342Bucolic 112 23 Kcogh KcoghS619 S619 Lord of the Forest 112 3 Hill W4S Annie Wells 110 4 Ti Hoffman 373 1 Belle of Portland 110 fi3 Kelsay wiS = Nativc Son 113 CJ E McEwen McEwen37343Laura 37343Laura Clay 110 7 Riddle RiddleTime Time 24 50 103 Track slow 2 mutuels paid Wild Iear SOO straight 500 place 400 show Bucolic 020 place 380 show Lord of the Forest 040 show showWinner Winner W M Cains cli c 3 by Bearcatcher Captivate trained by W M Cain CainStart Start good Won easily second and third driving 3745 Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 250 4ycarolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey 3734Fort Johnson 112 1 R Hoffman 3371 Locust Bud 107 2 = Morse 36S9 Do valla 110 3U Riddle 2043 Geno Wood 109 41 Tullett 2103 Phillistina 107 53 W Cargan 2942 Tahoc 109 6 Burlingame BurlingameTime Time 24 49 109 Track slow 2 mutuels paid Fort Johnson 500 straight 320 place 240 show Locust Bud 580 place 300 show Dovalta 240 show showWinner Winner J C Fcrriss b g 7 by Chuctanunda White Frost trained by D Hcustis Start good Won handily second and third driv 374G Fifth Race 31 Mjle Purse 300 3year olds and upward Selling Not value to winner 210 second 00 third 30 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Jockey3C3G3E 3C3G3E lnond Adams 112 I1 Keogh 3019 Tristo 112 23 Burlingame Burlingame3S1S 3S1S Bellflowcr 112 3 Ttillett Ttillett365S2Binocuiar 365S2Binocuiar 114 4 = Riddle RiddleHSfiSpecial HSfiSpecial Delivery 114 5i W Mclntyre 3372 A col in 112 = Morse Morse3739Two 3739Two Oaks 114 7 1 Hanover HanoverTime Time 24 49 117 Track slow 2 nmtuols paid Kdinonil Adams 000 straight 540 pliiee 400 show Tristo 940 place 120 show Bollllowor 100 show showWinner Winner J Days b g 4 Iiy Russell Memorial trained by C Miilhollanil Start good Won easily second and third driving 3747 Sixth Race 0 12 Furlongs Purse 350 3 yearolds and upward Special Weights Not value to winner 215 second 70 third 35 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Jockeyr732 Mclntyrera57Florenee r732 = Republican 107 1 J Mclntyre ra57Florenee Roberts 102 2J Hill 3639 = 0 M Miller 117 S Sclnvebig SclnvebigC532Figent C532Figent 112 4IB Burlingame 3251 Mycenae 101 5 Bezanson BezansonTime Time 23 48 121 Track slow 2 miituols paid Republican 300 straight 200 placo 220 show Florence Roberts 340 place 240 show G M Miller 220 show showWinner Winner C W Pclhanis b c 3 by Stalwart Miss Canale trained by J Johnston Start good Won easily second and third driving 3748 Seventh Riicc I Milo Purse 350 yenr olds and upward Soiling Net value to winner 215 second 70 third S35 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey JockeyC730O11 C730O11 Mexico 112 1J C Grand Grand37413Jtian 37413Jtian 307 2 Kurlingame KurlingameC C 40IIatteras 105 3n Schwebig 3733 Don Enrique 112 4 = Leeds 3651 Henry Waibank 111 5 = Tullett 3653 Trocha 305 6 W Gargan GarganTime Time 25 50 115 142 Track slow 2 mutuels paid Old Mexico 1440 straight 420 place 200 show Juiin 400 place 200 show llatteras 220 show showWinner Winner G A Frasers b h 5 by Eddio Jones Princess Zclka trained by C Pyle PyleStart Start good Won easily second and third driving