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FORT ERIE FORM CHART ORT ERIE ONT WEDNESDAY JULY 31 1912 Fourth day Niagara Racing Association Second Meeting of 7 days books on Weather cloudy residing Judge Francis Nelson Starter A B Dade Racing Secretary E W Maginn Racing starts at 245 p m Chicago time 145 p m Indicates apprentice allowance A C C 1 IIisl K ACE 5 12 Furlongs SlMS 105 T 10 Purse 500 2yearolds r ± VJ VJ Selling Net value to winner 400 second 70 third S30 AVt PPSt aA Str Fin Jockeys O H 4013 LAWSUIT w 10 01 01wit 1 = li U 1 T Davies E B Cassatt 20 30 30 12 6 4013 LATENT wit 111 3 2 3 L 2 E Martin G E Galvin 4 4J 4 85 710 35 RAGUSA wrt 103 8 0 5 k 5 Schutger William Garth Garth8t 15 20 15 6 3 3SS6 BARBARA WORTH W lo e S Swu 8t Ci 1J 43 Hopkins M Foley 8 8 7 2 G5 4013 CORDIE F wu 103 4 4 4w 3 = J ii = 5 McGaney P M Walker WalkerGh 2 2i U5W 26 3714 UNCLE OBIE w 105 n G Gw Gh 7 7 C Musgrve Gallaher Bros 6 7 6 25 G5 4013 LADY ANNA ANNAu w 103 1 5 5w c Turner G Stimpson 20 30 SO 12 103SS6BRUSH u 4isGOL tBN SYRUP SYRUP3SS6BRUSH w 10S 77 77w 7h SJ 8 8s McTagrt J S Hendric SO SO CO 20 10 3SS6BRUSH w 103 2 2 4 0 Ferguson S A Garrison 4 6 4 85 45 fastWinner Time 45Time 23 474 101 108 Track fast Winner HealyWent Ch f by Aeronaut Litigant trained by J S Healy Went to K st at 241 At post 2 minutes Start fair and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing LAWSUIT left the barrier with a rush and showed the most speed from start to finish but was tirng at the end LATENT moved up fast on the stretch turn but tired in the linal drive RAGTJSA closed a big gap and finished with a rush BARBARA WORTH also made up much ground CORDIE F ran forwardly brieflyOverweiirhts for a half and quit badly LADY ANNA and BRUSH showed speed briefly Overweiirhts Tlncl Ohio V pounds SECOND RACE Short Course About 2 Miles Steeplechase J420G 344 G 142 142Purse Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Handicap Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Inn Horses AAVtPPSt 4 S 10 13 Fin Jockeys Owners O H C J 40IUIDLE MICHAEL A 4137 2 4 1s I1 l t U I2 I8 W Allen W L Maupin 3 3 3i 1 13 W CiUN COTTON 7117 1 5 3 3 21 2302io 250 Kermath William Garth 2 24 2J 4513 3 7510COMYvSTH 02 TODDV BIXDSSOM 7 132 5 2 4l 41 4 4 3 3 lleathton Mr Chetland fl2 20 15 5 75 MOCO 10COMYvSTH MYSTIC LIGHT w 7 152 3 3 22 2 3 3 LriderPembton Mrs E AT Morris S5 2 75 12 out 1014 JOE LETT w C 115 4 6 53 5 5 Pulled upSimpson J R Fell S 10 10 fi6 4000 OCONNOR w 5 130 G 1 G Fell Lynch Mr Chutlaud tl 15 5 7 5 Coupled in betting no separate place bettingTime or show betting fastWinner Time 359 Track fast Winner GarthWent Ch g by Potentate Bonnie Lizzie II trained by L Garth Went to post t At post I minute Start good and slow Won easily secemd and third driving IDLE MICHAEL rushed into a long lead in the lirst quarter and fencing cleanly held the others safe all the way GUN COTTON was a close contender to the tenth jump but tired badly In the last half TODDY ilOSSOM jumped well but lacked speed MYSTIC LICHT lost his rider at the eleventh jump JOE LETT was pulled up at the ninth and OCONNOR fell at the sixth Overweights Joe Lett 15 pounds THIRD RACK RACKAllowances 4068 Allowances Net value to winner 400 second 70 third AWtPPSt ii if y Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G 1 14JKOGWAU 3SS7 COUSIN PUSS wn 101 7 3 21 25 Il 1 = l = J Callahanll Oofs 32 85 65 3f 14 JKOGWAU HORN w 110 5 4 1s 1 2s 2 2 FcTagrt TT Meise 3J 4 3 65 12 yx A OIANTE w lOt 1 6 4 J 4H l 32 Mooney C L Mackey 50 CO GO 25 10 2918 STAIRS WSB 100 G 8 S S S ti2 I1 Hopkins F P Robie 20 30 30 10 4 377G VIGOROUS w 107 1 1 3 3 3 4 = 5i Butwell W S House 20 SO 30 10 t 4001 12S505 ACCORL w 107 S 5 5 5 5 k 51 f T Kocrner T O McDowell 3 4 18W5 12 2440123LORD S505 SENEGAMUIAN w 103 3 2 4h fi C = 7 78 E Martin S A Garrison 20 30 15 G 24 40123LORD LADAS Wit 110 2 7 7s 73 71 S 8 Schutger W Mauill C 10 10 4 85 Time 85Time 24 48 113 140 Track fast Winner OotsWent Ch f by Pink Coat Fleuron trained by II Oots Went to post at At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second ami third driving COUSIN PUSS in closest pursuit from the start wore WAR HORN down on the backtsretch and drev avay decisively while rounding the far turn WAR HORN quickly drew away into a good lead In the first iiuirter but gave way when the winner challenged ADOLANTE rah well and was hard ridden all through the last quarter STAIRS closed a big gap VIGOROUS was prominent for threequarters Overweights Adolante 1 pound Vigorous 1 Accord 1 I rOQ FOURTH RACE 1 Mile JKJ7GO 17 5 100 Purse 700 3yearolds and upward rtJJ J Handicap Net value to winner STwO second 100 third S50t IrnS Horses AWtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II 4002 = FROGTEGS wi 3 115 3 G ri 3i 2i lk 1 = Butwell J W Schorr 22212 1t 4015 CHESTER KRUM Wi 5 101 4 4 4h 5 I 2 2s Connolly E Afoyne 15 30 25 6 So 1C02 PLATE GLASS W 6121 1 1 1 1 3 = 32 3 E Alartin R Davies 3 3 14515 1451525 25 4001 SEA CIIFF wi G 04 7 3 G5 f 5 5s 4t Hopkins J W May 20 10 30 10 S 4002 THE AIANAGER w 3 11G G 5 3 4l 4l 41 5s T Koerner T C McDowell 85 05 32 71013 3S3t IMPRESSION w 3 05 2 2 2 2h G G5 G1 J Callahanll H Hewitt 1001001003ft S 4003 KING COMMONER w G 107 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 C Turner W Alartin 20 40 40 12 4 4Time fastWinner Time 24 48 113 138 Track fast SchorrWent Winner B c by Masetto Froginore trained by J F Schorr Went to post at 404 At post minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving PKOGLEGS was crowded back on the first turn slipped through on the inside on the backstretch and wear inn the leaders down while rounding the far turn drew away into a long lead in the last quarter CHES ¬ TER KRUM moved up with a rush into the lead on the turn out of the backstretch but was tiring at the enj PLATE GLASS set a fast early pace but quit after going a good threoquarters THE MANAGER was off fovwardly but could not keep up and fell out of contention after going a half mile SEA CLIFF finished speedScratched well IMPRESSION showed early speed Scratched lOOVColonel Ashmeade 7 t ff7 f FIFTH RACE 34 Mile G424fv 1 11 112 Purse 500 3yearolds and upward riv t J Selling Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 AWtPPSt Vt K Str Fin Jockeys Owners 37S1 SAL VOLATILJE W 8 10S 2 3 34017THRIFTY 1U 1 = I1 lh Ambrose M Daly 852 8525k 5452s 4017THRIFTY wii 4 102 4 7 7KX 5k 2 22 25 Ferguson H Penny G S 8 3 SG SGJ KX SUFFRAGIST wn 5 110 5 C nt 4 41 S Loftus J W Burttschcll 21 3 3S 1151 12 12J 4012 DETROIT VB 5 10S 6 1 1330S S 7s 3k 4 Butwell J AV Van Dyke 10 1 13l 10 10 4 S5 330S KWARTS H1LL w 4 107 3 4 3l 61 51 5 1 T Koerner O Coehel 1 14h 10 8 3 S 3228 SPIN w 4 102 7 5 51SI1 4h 51 fil 6 Adams E F Oondran 30 3 32l 30 12 6 1SI1 HALLACK W 5 105 12 2l 3l 7s 7 B Steele J 8 Tyree 30 4 40 40 15 7 1012 BLANCHE FRANCESw 4 102 i 9 S2 S Hopkins J Forrester 15 1 15 12 5 2 2S 4012 = GRENIDA w 4 105 8 S 8 = 9 C Turner MissAMMarrone S 10 3 S Time 23 47 114 Track fast fastWinner Winner DalyWent Ch m by Disguise Heartburn trained by M Daly Went to post at 4 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SAL VOLATILE Itegan fast and sprinted away from the others in the first eighth but was tiring at the end and just lasted long enough to outstay THRIFTY The latter was knocked back at the start bit finished fast and gamely and was wearing the winner down at the end SUFFRAGIST began slowly but gained steadily in the last quarter and finished resolutely DETROIT closed a gap and tired SWARTS HILL quitScratched HALLACK and SPIN showed siwed but tired and quit Scratched 4017 Fond 7 7Overweights Overweights Swarts Hill 1 pound I frr t SIXTH RACK 34 Mile 04245 1 11 3 112 Purse 500 15yearolds and upward rirV JL Selling Net value to winner 400 second S70 third 30 lil Horses AWtPPSt U Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 40013ROSSEiAUX WTl 15112 5 112 3 3 I u 1 X 1 J McCahoy B Murray 31 f 3J 75 4003 CHERRY SEED TVII 3 102 5 2 2CJSSOCHAPUrrEPEC 3k 21 2 2J Schutger A D Parr 15 20 12 4 S CJSSOCHAPUrrEPEC wn 7 113 S 1 7s 4 4U 3 T Koerner J II Mead G 10 10 4 S5 4001 VENETA STROME w G 108 1 t t40fiSSPRING 2l 3 31 4J B Steele W G King Uodds20 30 30 10 5 540G2SPRING 40fiSSPRING BOARD WSB 3 107 4 7 fih 7 G4 r h Ferguson E B Cassatt 7 S S 3 75 4003 PERTH PERTHSHIRE SHU RE w 4 117 G f Gk fij 72 65 Musgrve W N Adrians 86 05 75 71013 4001 VONTOALiAI w 5 107 7 5 53SS03WINNING 4 5nt 5 7l Butwell F C Piper fi 6 2 1 3SS03WINNING WIDOW WB 4 103 2 S S 8 S 8 iMcTagrt J C Sturgis 10 15 15 6 24 Time 24Time 23 47 113 Track fast FitzsimmonsWent Winner B g by Ben Strome Rose Leaf trained by J Fitzsimmons Went to post at r01 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing ROSSKAUX sh wing the most speed from the start withstood a challenge from CHERRY SEED on ihe stretch turn and Irawing away under a drive won going away CHERRY SEBD was hard ridden all Hie way and was tiri g through the last furlong CHAPULTEPEO closed a gap and finishing fast beat YENKTA STROME ii the final stride for third place VENETA STROME ran well but finished tiring PERTHSHIRE had a rough race SPRING BOARD was cut off on the turn out of the backstretch and was then taken wide for the remainder of the race raceScratched Scratched 3834 Yrceland 11 3210 Ella Bryson Ill 37SlsUnion Jack 102 frr C SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3470 142 5 115 Purse 500 3yearolds rtW i J and upward Selling Net value to winner S400 second 70 third S30 Ind Horses AWtPPSt M Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 401SCO NGCMAN JAMESWB 3 105 5 C C C 4nt 3l Ink Mooney J W Schorr S5 2 05 7101 7101401S 401S = PLIANT w 3 03 2 2 3i 3 = 3 i 1 2J Hopkins F J Pons 455853 455853401SELMA 401SELMA wn 3 05 1112 Ink l i I1 3i Lounsby W G KingDoddslO 10 7 8 3 40172MARIAN CASEY TVB 7 105 3 4 4k 5l 5 = 5l ° 48 Ambrose J H Mead 2 2J 2J 43 2 4018s BOUNCING LASS W 3 08 4 3 2 y 21 4J 512 B Steele P S P Randolph G 7 6 2 45 27713DISSENTER vvn 4 111 G 5 5Z 4i C 6 6 C Turner W W Lowry 15 15 15 G 21 fastWinner Time 21Time 23 48 113 140 145 Track fast Winner Ch c by Ort Wells Miss Laetitia trained by J F Schorr Went to post at 533 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third flip fame CONGRESSMAN TAMES as usiinl began slowly but moved up rapidly while rounding the far turn mil finishing fast got up to win in the final strides PLIANT while in close pursuit was sharply cutoff on the turn out of flip backstretch but hung on well to the end ELMA rushed to the front at the start am showed the most speed for seven furlongs then quit MARIAN CASEY could never get up BOUNC ¬ ING LASS showed speed hHt quit Scratched 3SS7 My Gal 100